Year three: Whispers underneath the star-scattered sky

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Explaining what had happened during their first Defence Against the Dark Art's lesson, and untangling the mess it had left in her head would have been far from easy for YN. Luckily enough, Ernie made sure not to bring it up in front of the rest of the gang. In fact, Ernie made effort not to mention it at all. He spoke clearly, in the words he didn't say. And so, without having to exchange numerous uncomfortable words with one another, YN felt as though they came to understand each other. Despite it, she was left with an unsettling feeling in her stomach. A feeling she could almost certainly call guilt. An image of a small blonde-haired boy came withing the mind's reach; and with i,t a warm smile through which he spoke kindness. For, wasn't he the first person to approach her? The first to offer his hand, as well as his smile? Fo,r wasn't he right there, right by her side, for all this time, just like two years ago?

'I like to think,' said Ernie in an undertone, 'that he was simply assisting us in facing our fears.'

'Literally facing them.' Wayde said, plopping down opposite the two.

He offered YN a smile before slopping some jam onto his toast. She couldn't help but notice he offered her plenty of smiles lately. And she came to a conclusion, that the discomfort the lesson had caused her, hadn't gone unnoticed by Wayde. And that in a way, a smile was his way of saying no further explaining was required.

Too often do we underestimate the power of the smallest act of caring.

In no time at all Defence Against the Dark Arts had become people's favourite subject. Only Draco and his goons had anything bad to say about Professor Lupin.

'Look at the state of his robes.' Draco would say in a whisper as Professor Lupin passed 'He dresses like our old house elf.'

But no one else cared that Professor Lupin's robes were patched and frayed. YN found his following lessons much easily bearable. After Boggarts they moved onto Red Caps, nasty little goblin-like creatures that lurked wherever there had been bloodshed, in the dungeons of castles and the potholes of deserted battlefields waiting to bludgeon those who had got lost. From Red Caps they moved on to Kappas, creepy water dwellers that looked like scaly monkeys, with webbed hands itching to strangle unwitting wanderers in their ponds. Professor Snape seemed to be in a particularly vindictive mood these days, and no one was in any doubt why. The story of the Boggart assuming Snape's shape and ending up in Neville's grandmother's clothes buzzed throughout the school as fast as any other. And as any other, it soon found its way back to them.

'A dull sense of humour, that one.' Said Justin, trying to tame the mess his hair had become, after a particularly nasty potions lesson.

Snape wasn't the only one with an evident change in behaviour. It was clear Hagrid had lost his confidence after the accident, and knowing a bit about the Malfoys, it was certain this wouldn't be the last they'd be hearing about it. YN hated to admit it, but after the first lesson, the Care of Magical Creatures had become extremely dull. They were now spending lesson after lesson poking shredded lettuce down Flobberworms' slimy throats, and she for one couldn't help but wonder whether choosing Care for Magical Creatures was the right decision. The stories Charlie had told her had left her wide-eyed and full of expectations. A bit childish, wasn't it? But so it goes, with expectations. Letting out a sight she reached out for yet another piece of lettuce.

At the end of October, however, along with the Quidditch season starting, the gang had something else to occupy them – something much more enjoyable than their unsatisfactory classes. One cold and windy evening a notice regarding their first Hogsmeade visit plopped upon the battered old noticeboard, leaving the room buzzing with excitement. And from that point on, the school could talk of little but the upcoming Hogsmeade trip.

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