Year two: Attention

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YN found herself roaming around the Hogwarts Express, panting. She had managed to board the train minutes before it departed for Hogwarts and had her two best friends to thank for that, mostly. Truth be told, after last night Yn expected anything but the ruckus that she found herself in, this morning.

Last night Molly conjured up a sumptuous dinner which included all of YN's favourites, ending with a mouth-watering treacle pudding. George and Fred rounded off the evening with a display of Filibuster fireworks; they filled the kitchen with red and blue stars that bounced from the ceiling to wall for at least half an hour. And after the last mug of hot chocolate, YN was escorted home. The following morning, she headed for the Burrow once again, and once gain her grandparents decided not to join her. She was however, accompanied by her ever-complaining house-elf, Tibby. The atmosphere in the Burrow this morning was nothing alike the one she left last night.

First she helped Arthur up after he nearly broke his neck, tripping over carrying Ginny's trunk. Then she bumped into Molly who was dashing around in a bad mood looking for spare socks and quills. The boys kept colliding on the stairs, half-dressed with bits of toast in their hands. YN sat down the kitchen table, calmly observing the mess around her, occasionally throwing a glance or two at Percy, who was far too busy admiring his Prefect's badge.

She wasn't sure how, but they were able to stuff nine people, seven trunks, three owls and a rat into one small Ford Anglia. The smile on Arthur's face told her more than she wanted to know, though. He was barely able to start the car, before George ran back, as he had forgotten his box of Filibuster fireworks. Not four minutes after that, they skidded to a halt in the yard so Fred could run in for his broomstick, stepping over YN in the process of doing so. They had almost reached the motorway when Ginny shrieked that she'd left her diary. By the time she climbed back into the front seat, they were running very late, and tempers were running high.

And that was only the start of YN's morning. With a sight she glanced into yet another compartment, in search of her Hufflepuff friends. She looked away, in defeat, before glancing back, and noticed the familiar crowd. Hannah was staring out of the window, occasionally glancing at Wayde who seemed to be telling a story of some sort. Susan was fanatically going through her bag. Yn chuckled at Ernie's expression, from which she gathered Justin must be complaining already. She slid the compartment door open and all heads turned her way, well excluding Justin as he wasn't finished with his monologue just yet.

'Well look what the cat dragged in.' Hannah ginned her way. Susan sighted with relief and let her bag fall onto her lap.

'Don't tell me you've been looking for me in there.' Said Yn, with a playful smile.

'I knew I forgot something.' Susan said scooting over.

'Oh, it's you.' Justin barely glanced her way before turning back to Ernie 'As I was saying...'

Justin rambled on as if anyone was actually paying attention to whatever he was saying. YN rolled her eyes and mumbled 'You're really something else' before throwing herself between the two girls.

'How was your summer, Yn? Got my letter? Did you miss us? No?'

'How was your summer?' Ernie said slapping Justin's hand away.

'Pretty dull actually. Did however help kidnap Harry last night.'

There were usually two reactions to whatever mischief YN got herself into; this time Wayde's jaw dropped while an amused smile made it's way onto Hannah's face. It was quite clear who knew her better. The compartment went very still, for a mere moment.

'You did what?!'

'Harry? Harry Potter?'

'Well Ron did say 'rescue' was a better word but-'

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