Year one: Mistletoes

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November was marked by the start of Quidditch season. Despite the trouble Harry went through with his Nimbus 2000, he managed to catch the Snitch in his mouth ensuring the victory for Gryffindor. The trio was certain it was Snape who meddled with his broom, but YN found that hard to believe. They also finally found another piece of the puzzle - Nicholas Flamel. Other than that, nothing else worth mentioning had happened.

One morning mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow. The Black Lake that YN never paid much attention to, froze solid. She had to admit that she never saw anything as beautiful, or as frightening. It was around that time she got her first detention, for bewitching several snowballs to follow Professor Quirrell around. It was obviously the twins' idea.

It was lunch time and YN was standing by the edge of the Gryffindor table asking Hermione for some tips on how to start the Charms essay she had to hand in this afternoon.

'You're only starting now?' Her bushy haired friend seemed almost offended by YN's tendency to procrastinate.

'Yes but-'

'Honestly YN, it's been almost a week. If you spent a little less time with Fred and George...'

'Hey!' the twins protested in unision.

'C'mon 'Mione, you helped Ron and Harry with theirs!' she pleaded.

Hermione threw them a very 'McGonagall-like' glare. Harry shrugged his shoulders while Ron raised his hands up in defence. After letting out a sight the bushy haired girl mumbled out... well something, for sure. But she quickly came to realisation that her friend didn't understand a word of it, so she took out a piece of paper and scribbled some notes down. YN expressed her deepest gratitude but Hermione only cared about shoving the notes down her pocket, praying no one would notice. Just as she was about to head to her own table a flash of platinum caught her eye. Draco was passing by the Gryffindor table alongside his goons, very conveniently.

'I do feel so sorry, for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home.' It was obvious his eyes were set on Harry as he said it.

It was true Harry wasn't going back to his muggle relatives for holidays. But that was his own choice. And after all, he wouldn't be alone. Ron and the twins were staying too because Arthur and Molly were going to Romania to visit Charlie. As much as the though of having the whole castle for oneself intrigued her, she was glad Harry wouldn't be spending Christmas alone. On the other hand... it would be her first Christmas without the Weasleys in a while. Mind that, she surely had an idea, which she already wrote to her grandparents about.

So, on the way to her own table YN cleared her throat and made sure to point out:

'I do feel so sorry, for all those who aren't wanted anywhere."

From the corner of her eye she saw Draco stop in his tracks before marching out of the Hall. With a smile she bounced her way to her Hufflepuff friends.

'What was that about?' Hannah asked once she sat down.

'Slytherins being Slytherins.' she said plopping herself down.

'And YN being Yn.' Justin pointed out earning ernest chuckles from the group.

Her muggleborn friend was rather upset with her when he found out about the little prank her and the twins pulled. He was in utter shock when he found out what they did, but seemed even more trouble by the fact she got detention. 'All Gryffindors are troublemakers' he reminded her. He made an even bigger ruckus when her and Ernie tried cheating in Cluedo later that evening.But if we're being honest, they were just testing his boundaries.

Caught up in a mischief called love (George X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن