Year one: A potential disaster

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Right before the Easter holidays it occured to Hermione that ten weeks wasn't nearly enough time for revision. Which made trying to relax before the exams her, 'cause she seemed to find YN wherever she was. The Clocktower courtyard, the library, the Black Lake... blimey, she even tried hiding at the Hospital wing! She was certain that not even the Hufflepuff common room was off Hermione's limits. As if that wasn't enough, YN barely even spent time there anymore. Not long after taking out Hermione, the 'revision fever' took a hold of Justin. His timetables and colour-coded notes didn't stand a chance against Hermione's but his nagging certainly did. YN was pretty darn sure he got the whole idea from the bushy-haired girl, as she conveniently passed by YN each lunch just to remind her that she hadn't started revising yet. So instead of spending the evenings playing muggle games in the common room, the group spent majority of their free time revising together in the library. YN tried avoiding the whole 'group study thing' and often found herself reading by the Black Lake, on her own. She simply had to give in, as most of her friends were doing the same and the twins weren't around much. They did however, well Fred percisely, ask her to join them on a little Hogsmeade get-away. She said no, although if George had asked her, she might have considered going.

Unfortunately for her, the teachers seemed to be thinking along the same lines as Hermione and Justin. They piled so much homework on them that the Easter holidays weren't nearly as fun as the Christmas ones. It was hard to relax with Justin's constant complaining or Susan's frequent crying episodes. She couldn't even have a conversation with Hermione as tle latter seemed to be reciting her notes constantly.

One night her and Hannah had spent nearly an hour reassuring Susan she wouldn't fail any of her subjects (no, not even Transfiguration), before finally putting her to bed. YN mentally crawled to her own bed, ready to pass out, before noticing a letter on her nightstand. At first she thought it was a letter from her grandparents, since they had requested a list of things she wanted for her birthday. She was certain they weren't content with her request of simply sending the wizarding camera she left behind, over. Once she noticed the crumbs on the window she was sure it wasn't her grandparents' owl that had delivered the letter but her own. Rufus had little to no manners when it came to food. And if the letter itself wasn't a surprise... It was singed by Ron, written in his sloppy handwriting, informing her that Hagrid had gotten a dragon. Apparently Ron was writing from the Hospital Wing cause the little bugger, who was now twice the size he was a week ago, had bit him. Ron lied to Madam Pomfrey, saying it was Fang who bit him. Lastly he informed her they would be handing the dragon off to Charlie's friends – the night of her birthday.


May 22nd- Yn's birthday.

Birthday girl was woken up by a loud thud. Sitting up she came face to face with Hannah's sheepish smile.

'Wha-' she said through a yawn before she was pulled into a bone crushing hug. Rubbing her eyes she took a second glance at the floor. Susan was waving up at her.

'Happy birthday!' she whispered

'Well no point in being quiet now.' Hannah schowled back at her 'C'mon birthday girl, let's get through that mess.' she pointed at YN's bed hair.

'Be gentle!' Susan whispered earning a chuckle from YN who was barely awake.

'You'll have to wait till tonight to get your presents.' Hannah said from behind

'Presents? Guys you shouldn't have- wait. Tonight?' YN turned around dumbfounded 'What's tonight?'

'Oh, well, we haven't had a game night in a while, so we thought your birthday was the perfect opportunity" Hannah said forcing her to turn around again.

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