Year two: Examples we give

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The following Wednesday, YN woke up early and headed straight for the Burrow. Ron had made an arrangement with Hermione, and they would all be meeting in the Diagon Alley to buy school supplies for the following year. Her grandparents however, weren't going to join them. Grandpa said he wasn't feeling well lately, and blamed it on the heat. Grandma decided to stay with him, but YN knew very well she would rush off to the garden as soon as her Granddaughter stepped off the porch. She entered the Burrow and followed the voices to the kitchen fireplace. Judging by the dumbfounded look on Harry's face they must have just told him about the Floo powder.

'Ah, Yn dear, just in time!' Molly exclaimed reaching for her purse 'Hungry? I made bacon sandwiches. Boys already had some-'

'I'm fine, thank you.' YN smiled 'Really.'

Molly hadn't fully gotten over the fact that her boys had flown an illegal flying car halfway across the country just yet, but she was back being the short, plum, kid-faced woman YN had known her whole childhood. YN approached the fireplace passing by Ginny who was blushing to the roots of her hair. The teasing from her brothers must have doubled since Harry came to stay at their house. George smiled her way as Fred spoke up.

'You'll be alright, Harry. Watch us first.' He took a pinch of the glittering powder out of the flowerpot in his mother's hands, stepped up to the fire and threw it into the flames. With a roar the fire turned emerald green and rose higher than Fred, who stepped into it shouting 'Diagon Alley' and vanished. George gestured for YN to go before he did. She reached into the flowerpot and did exactly as Fred did moments ago. She didn't often travel by Floo powder, but she never got over the feeling of doing so. Her stomach would twist and turn at the single though of it. It felt as though she was being sucked down a giant plug hole. The roaring in her ears was deafening, she closed her eyes to escape the dizziness and covered her mouth with her hands. Boy was she glad she didn't even try those bacon sandwiches. She wished for the raging spinning to stop.

Suddenly the world came to a halt. YN leapt forward and instead of hitting the cold stone she fell right into someone's arms. Fred smiled down at her.

'Still having trouble with Floo travel?'

'Trust me, it's way worse than apparating.' YN said holding onto her head. Not long after George joined the two, taking her by the shoulders.

'You alright?' YN nodded.

Weasleys followed one after another, but there was no sign of Harry. Ron said he didn't speak very clearly. Molly ran around fanatically, grasping for breath as she approached each boy with even slightly untidy jet-black hair. None of them were Harry. She sprinted around the Diagon Alley, her handbag swinging wildly in one hand, Ginny just clinging onto the other. The finally caught a sight of him, standing at the bottom of the white steps that lead into Gringots. Luckily, he wasn't alone. He had a bushy haired girl and half a giant by his side.

'There he is!' Yn pointed before they raced through the crowded street.

'Where... where did you some out?' Ron panted.

'Knockturn Alley.' said Hagrid grimly.

'Brilliant.' Fred and George said together glancing at Yn. None of them had even been allowed in. YN wasn't even allowed to accompany her Grandma when she went there to buy some nasty garden stuff. A forbidden place intrigued her, as much as anyone else. Last year she had entered the Forbidden third floor corridor and learned that it was called 'Forbidden' for a reason, and she learned it the hard way. Molly approached Harry with a large clothes brush she pulled out of her bag and began sweeping off the shoot. YN took notice of Harry's broken glasses and fixed them with a single tap of her wand.

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