Year three: Home, at last

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It was nearly the end of summer holidays, when YN found herself leaning against her bed, trapped in a pile of nothing but all of her belongings. But she couldn't be bothered. Not by the pile of clothes that had to be precisely folded, as requested by Tibby. Not by her empty trunk which had been laying open by the feet of her bed for the past week. Not by the missing list of school supplies for her third year at Hogwarts. Not by now completely cold tea her Grandma had placed on the nightstand an hour ago. Not by the fact that a few of her socks which were drying by the window were now the property of garden gnomes. And not the least bothered by Tibby's scolding each and every time he passed her bedroom door.

She didn't have a single worry in the world, smiling down at the letter in her hands.

Greetings from Egypt, to our significant bother

can't believe you didn't tag along. Bill was real disappointed too. He'll be sending you a thing or two, I think.

Egypt is brilliant! Bill's taken us round all the tombs. Mum wouldn't let Ginny come into the last one. I bet she was scared Ginny would go befriending another dark wiz- KIDDING! The thing is, there were all these mutant skeletons in there - Muggles who'd broken in and grown an extra arm or a leg here and there. We tried shutting Perce in a pyramid, but Mum spotted us. You can imagine how that went.

Been missing you, doofus. We're coming back a week before term starts, so I'm counting on you for London. Leaky Cauldron sound good? I think Ron arranged us to meet with Harry and Hermione.

Well, as long as you're there.

P.S. D'you reckon Humongous Bighead is a proper replacement for Head Boy?


and Freddie

'Well, as long as you're there.' She whispered, setting the letter down.

She must have read the letter at least a dozen times by now, but her eyes were always drawn to that exact line. And it never failed to cause her heart to skip a beat. The letter had arrived a few weeks ago, followed by quite a few postcards which were placed by her little vanity mirror. It had been a full month since she had last seen any of the Weasleys, and she highly doubted she could survive another day without doing so. With that though in mind, she jumped to her feet, over the pile and down the stairs. She barged into the living room, almost knocking Tibby and his pasties out of the way, yet careful enough not to interrupt her grandparents' game of wizard chess.

'D'you reckon they're home yet?' she said glancing at the clock. 'Surely they must be.'

Her Grandfather glanced up and smiled at her attempt to check out the window, as though the hills would clear her way to the Burrow.

'Don't you wish to let them unpack, dear? They must be very tired, after all it was a very long trip.' Her Grandmother said as her white queen swept a black bishop out of her way.

'What would they be unpacking for? We're going back to Hogwarts next week.'

'Of speaking!' Tibby said, as though he was simply waiting for the moment to come 'Did young YN property p-'

'I think I heard them.' said YN, grabbing her boots and racing away from Tibby's reach.

'Couldn't possibly - Fine! Let the bird fold then!' The house-elf screeched as she slammed the door behind her.

The light summer breeze whipped the hair away from her face, as she made her way up the first hill. Her feet were moving on their own, flying over stones and leaves, along with her thoughts. And as she finally sprinted down the hill, cold air bit into her lungs. Her breath came in short gasps. It was as if her thoughts were racing her feet. Her steps pounding in time with her heartbeat. And suddenly, as she reached the top of the other hill, everything stopped. Everything but the pounding of her heart in her ears. And her eyes fell on a tall figure, leaning to the side in the attempt to carry the all-too-heavy trunk. And it didn't surprise her the least, that despite the distance she could clearly tell the two apart.

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