Year one: A little act of bravery

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During their little library get-together Draco conveniently forgot to mention he had challenged Harry to a duel – in an attempt to get both him and Ron expelled. Did he really think Harry Potter, the Boy who lived, would be expelled over something as ridiculous as being out of bed after curfew? Especially after his big promotion yesterday? More importantly, you may wonder, is how exactly YN found out about all of this?

She was sitting in the Clocktower courtyard with Hannah who was reading one of her favourite muggle books, occasionally sharing some of the content with her friend. YN was chuckling at a line her friend had just read out loud when one very troubled Weasley ran up to her. And as he reached for his knees and gasped for air, both girls satred at him dumbfounded.

'Can' he said in between breaths locking eyes with YN. With a nod she got up and raised an eyebrow at Hannah before following the red-head. They left the courtyard and took a few turns through random corridors in search for some privacy. With each turn Ron seemed more nervous. He lead her to a spiral staircase and waited for her to sit down before he started blabbing, pacing back and forth.

'I don't- I really don't bloody know... Trust me I'm as confused as you... But if I don't tell someone I'll lose my bloody mind that's for sure'

And he told her. He told her about Harry and Draco's constant quarrels, the midnight duel, about Miss Norris, about the Forbidden corridor on the third floor, a three headed dog and... a trapdoor? Once he was finished he sat down next to YN and heavily sighted. All she could do was stare at him in disbelief.

His little attempt to simply get it off his chest, caused more harm than good. His words would often ring in her ears, images appeared - uninvited. The sole thought of a three headed dog right over their heads bothered her, troubled her and over time became too much to handle. But she never once thought about sharing it with anyone else. She never told a soul. Harry didn't seem to mind that Ron had told YN. Hermione on the other hand made a big fuss about it and hadn't said a word to either of them since. None of them seemed to mind it that much.


September was followed by October and October itself was coming to an end. Days were shorter, homework was piling up... it was hard trying to keep up with both school responsibilities and all that was going on outside of the classes. She enjoyed sneaking around the castle with the twins, sharing ideas for new pranks, despite the fact they hadn't yet included her in any. She loved reading in the courtyard, since she didn't feel least bit welcome in the library... She always felt Madam Pince's piercing eyes lingering. Her favourite part of the week was playing muggle board games in the common room. She grew quite fond of her fellow Hufflepuffs. Spending most of the time around other people meant that she had barely any alone time. The lack of it didn't interfere with the fact that she still had trouble controlling her thoughts. Most of the time she just couldn't seem to get the image of the three headed dog out of her head. Harry seemed to be every bit as troubled by it as she was. YN even suggested going to the library, in hopes to find any information about a three headed dog. Harry though of it as a great idea, Ron on the other hand not as much. She wondered which scared him more; the idea of the twins seeing him in a library or the three headed dog.

So she decided to take it upon herself. It was Halloween and YN was sulking in the library. Not only because she found no information on the dog, but because it was Halloween! She would have though that a Wizarding school would make a holiday of this kind much more eventful. Was the fact that they had the dead floating around them on a daily basis the reason for the lack of excitement in the air? Or was it because certain parts of the school didn't need an excuse to send chills down the student's spines? What disappointed her the most was the fact that even the twins didn't seem to have anything up their sleeves! They hadn't even mentioned a single prank in the last few days... Not even sending bats after Professor Quirrel's turban, not even sticking Mrs Norris's head into a pumpkin... The only thing she had to look forward to was tonight's feast.

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