Part 10

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Nichole's POV:

Finally.  A day off.   And boy did I need it.  Severely.  In fact, it was my first day off in more than a week.   And without question, I was exhausted and completely drained from putting in long, grueling hours.  So yes, a day off was badly needed.  And much appreciated. 

And not only did I need a day off, so did Lexi, as she had come to work with me almost everyday and had worked just was hard, putting in the same long days, right along side of me.  Except, of course,  on the days when her and Hannah had other plans; of fun things to do around the city.  But for the most part, she had been right there with me the whole time.   So yes, a day off was much needed not only for me, but for her, as well.

"What do you want to do today?", I asked her, as we were getting dressed, after having just showered together. 

"Anything", she said.  "Maybe just walk around and explore."

"Ok", I agreed.  "The British museum is nearby.  So maybe we can check that out."

"Yes!", she said, without any hesitation.  And the fact was, was that I knew she'd be excited.  Because she loved art.  We both did.  And going to museums was something we both enjoyed doing.  And anytime there was a museum around, we always made a point to check it out.  So, not only was she excited,  but I was as well. 

"I'm sure they have spectacular artwork there", I said, putting on my tennis shoes.  

"I'm sure", she said, putting on her sneakers, as well. 

We walked out of the hotel, hand in hand, which immediately attracted attention.  And of course, we got our usual stares.  But again, neither one of us cared.  In fact, I had grown so used to it, that I hardly even noticed it anymore.  And it absolutely didn't bother me at all.  And I knew Alexis felt the same.  Because over time, she had become increasingly comfortable with her sexuality, as I had too.  And by now, we were both in a good place and completely at peace with  not only our sexuality, but with who were as individuals, as well as a couple.   So yes, stares from strangers was the least of our worries and just wasn't an issue.  At all. 

We walked around downtown London for awhile, then decided to go the museum first, because Alexis was just too excited to wait.  


3 hours later:

"Wow!", she said, as we were leaving the museum.  "That was amazing!  All those Picasso's and unfinished Michelangelo's.   Absolutely incredible."

 And I couldn't agree more.  It was easily some of the best display of artwork that I had even seen.  "Yes", I agreed.  "Amazing.  Definitely glad we went", I said, taking hold of her hand.

We walked around London all afternoon, site seeing, shopping, and just enjoying each other's company and spending time together.  And just being together was wonderful.   But by mid afternoon, I was starting to get hungry.

"You want to get lunch?" I asked.

"Yes", she said.  "I'm hungry."

"Me too.  I saw a little pub around the corner, if you want to try that", I suggested.


We walked into the pub, and ordered food.  And even though it was only early afternoon, I noticed that nearly everyone in the pub was drinking.  It was something that I had definitely noticed.  People seemed to drink more and the drink earlier in the day than we typically did in the U.S.  And it was funny, because it was normal and just wasn't a big deal.

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