Part 39

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Alexis's POV:

I awoke the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee.  Still groggy, I glanced at the time, and realized I had slept in a little later than usual.  In fact, ever since I found out I was pregnant, I had been extremely fatigued.  Way more than normal.  And this morning was no exception.  

But today wasn't a day for sleeping in, even though it was Saturday.  Because today was a big day.  Today was special.  It was finally here.  In fact, it had been a day that Nikki and I had been waiting for, for what felt like forever.  Because today was the day that we were going to make our official announcement, to both of our families, that we were having a baby.  

A baby, I thought, smiling to myself, as I laid in bed.  And it immediately gave me butterflies.  And I instantly had such a warm and fuzzy feeling.  Unlike anything else I've ever felt before.  And I knew without a doubt, that I already loved this person growing inside of me, that I didn't even know and haven't even met yet, but, without a doubt, they already had my heart.  Completely.

So yes, today was a big day.  Because today was the day of our announcement.  And the plan was for all of us to meet at Nichole's parents' house for dinner.  My mother, my stepfather, Johnathon, and Maddie were going to be there too, along with Nikki's family.  That way we could tell everybody at the same time.  So yes, today was a big day, for sure. 

And just as I was about to get up and take a shower, Nikki came into the bedroom with a tray full of food.  She smiled at me warmly, as she placed the tray on the bed and sat next to me. 

"Good morning, sexy mama", she said, playfully, as she kissed my lips.

I smiled back.  "What is this?", I asked, looking at the tray.

"It's breakfast.  I thought you would like breakfast in bed", she said. 

"Oh wow, thank you.  This is perfect", I said, as she had made all of my favorites.  French toast, bacon, eggs, and fruit.  And of course, coffee.  And what was even more, was my morning sickness had finally subsided, which meant I now had my appetite back.

"You're welcome.  And be careful, the coffee is really hot.  I just made it."

"Ok.  Aren't you going to eat?", I asked, as I took a bite of french toast.  

"No, I'm just going to have coffee. I need to save room for dinner.  All that pasta."

"Yeah", I said.  "It's heavy.  But so good."

"Yes.  I always feel like I need a nap afterwards."

I laughed.  "Oh my goodness, me too", I said, as I ate my food.

"So, I see your appetite is back", she said.

"Yes, it is.  My morning sickness is gone.  Finally", I said, more than relieved that the part of my pregnancy was over.  Because that was the absolute worst. 

"Thank goodness.  Because that was terrible", she said, practically reading my mind. 

"Horrific", I said, eating my bacon.  "I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

"Yeah.  It was pretty bad."

I finished all of my breakfast and she took the empty tray and sat it in on the night stand.

"Did you get enough to eat?", she asked.  "Do you want anything more?"

I shook my head.  "No thank you.  I'm full."

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