Part 55

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Alyssa's POV:


"Alyssa... wake up", Maddie whispered in the darkness, as she placed her hand softly on my shoulder.

I slowly opened my eyes and squinted in the darkness.  "What time is it?", I asked, hearing her voice , but yet, still barely even awake.

"It's 3:30.  Time to get up."

"Are you serious?", I asked, almost in disbelief.  Because it literally felt like I just shut my eyes.

"Yes.  We need to get up."

"Just a couple more minutes", I said, turning over and closing my eyes again, starting to drift back to sleep.

And just then, she poked me.  "No, we need to get up.  Right now.  Or we'll miss our flight.  So, get up", she said, getting up and going into the bathroom.  "I'm going to take a shower."

Ugh, I thought as she disappeared into the bathroom.  It was so early.  But we had an early flight.  So as early as it was, I knew I had to get up.  

Today Maddie and I were flying to Burbank, California.  She had recently gotten a new job with Disney Animation Studios.  And part of the job requirement was regular travel to Burbank.  But before she started, they wanted her to go to California for some type of orientation.  

And I was going to go with her.  Because not only did I want to support her in her new job, but I also wanted to check out the scene, and to see the location where she would be traveling to.  This way I would be able to make sure it was a good situation for her.   So, going with her on her first trip was a good opportunity to do exactly that. 

But, goddamn, did it have to be such an early flight?, I thought, now wishing we had booked something later.   

Reluctantly, I crawled out of bed and went into the bathroom, hearing the water running.   I opened up the shower door, as I joined Maddie in the shower.  But it wasn't sexual at all, as neither one of us was barely even awake.  And to be honest, I wasn't much of a morning person.  It took me awhile to wake up.  Especially when I had to get up at 3:30 am.  And honestly, this morning, not only was I tired, but I was also a little bit grouchy.  Not gonna lie.  Because it was just so fucking early. 

After we showered in a very boring, non sexual, just to get clean type of way, we both got dressed.  I threw on a black sweatshirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, along with black sneakers, deciding to keep it simple and just wear something comfortable, given the fact that it was going to be a long flight.  So, being comfortable was a must.  And Maddie did the same, as she put on a casual pair of jeans and an oversized hoodie.  

Maddie then went into the bathroom to fix her hair, whereas I, on the bother hand, decided to just go with a black baseball cap.  Because it was too early to worry about what the hell my hair looked like.  It was enough to just get up.

And plus, I had more important things to do.  Getting Maddie's fucking suitcase closed.  "What the fuck", I muttered underneath my breath, in shear frustration.  

"What's wrong?", she asked, coming over to me.

"What's wrong, is that there's too much shit in here", I said, as I tried to squish down whatever it was that she had in there, so I could close it.  "We're only going to be gone for a few days", I added, not understanding why she needed to pack so heavily.  

"I know.  But I need a lot of things.  Just in case.  Because you just never know what the weather is going to be like.  So, I want to be prepared."

"It's fucking California", I said.  "I'm pretty sure we know what the weather is going to be like."

"Well, I know, but you just never know."

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