Part 16

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Alyssa's POV:

"It's about time you go out.  We've been trying to drag your ass out for months", my friend, Kara said. 

"Yeah I know", I said, taking a shot of tequila, as I signaled to the bartender for another one, as me and 3 of my good friends, Kara, Ava, and Samantha sat at the bar.  

I had texted my friends because I needed to go out.  More than ever.  After seeing Maddie with her girlfriend and seeing first hand how good their relationship was, as much as I hated to admit it, it really upset me.  So I had decided to go out because I needed to blow off some steam, collect my thoughts, and recenter.   But more than anything, I just needed to get away from everything.   All of my problems.  Even if just for one night.  

We all did another shot, and I immediately began to feel the effects of the alcohol.  And it honestly felt good.  Because I needed to get fucked up.  As much as possible.  To get out.  To have fun with my friends.  But more importantly,  just to forget about everything.   So yes, tonight was much needed.

"So, what's been going on?", Samantha asked me.

"Not much", I said, taking a sip of my drink.  "I go to work, then I go home.  And that's about it", I said honestly.  Because it was true.  I didn't do shit.  Day in and day out. Ever since Maddie and I had broken up.  I did the bare minimum.  Only what I had to.  Because I just didn't have the desire or the energy to do anything more.  I guess you could say, I was just too fucking depressed.  

"Speaking of which, how is work going?", Ava asked.

"It's going good.  I don't have to do too much.  Just check in and make sure everything is running smoothly.  And just handle the financial stuff.  Make sure the numbers match up.  My uncles do everything else", I said.  

After college, I had decided to go into the family business.  The mafia side of my family owned a bunch of businesses, restaurants and bars.  So I decided to get involved.  But I didn't get involved in the dirty end of things at all.  That I stayed clear of.  My job was to oversee the businesses and I also did the accounting end of things too, since I had a business degree.  And for the most part, I liked it, because I basically came and went as I wanted, made my own hours, my own rules, could be as lazy as I wanted to, got paid a shitload of money, and no one bothered me.  So, all in all, it was a good gig. 

"That's good", Ava said.  

"Yeah.  But other than that.  I don't do shit", I said, finishing my drink, as I signaled the bartender for another. 

"Well, we're glad you came out", Sam said.  "Because it's time to change all that.  You need to get out and do stuff.  We're all worried about you."

"I know.  It's just been hard", I said, as my mind turned to Maddie.  "Ever since... well, you know."

"You mean about Maddie?", Kara asked.

"Yeah.  It's really fucking me up.  I'm just having a hard time getting over her.  I can't seem to get past it, for some reason", I said, honestly.  Because it was true.  No matter how hard I tried.  I just couldn't seem to move on.

"It's just gonna take time", Kara said.

"I know, but it's been over 6 fucking months", I said.  "How much more time is it going to take?  At what point do I get over her?   Because it's just fucking depressing."

"I know.  But eventually you will", Sam said.  

"I guess", I said, taking a drink.  "She apparently got over me just fine", I added.

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