Part 35

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Alexis' POV:

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sick", I said, running to the bathroom for the what felt like the millionth time that day.  So yeah... the toilet was now my constant companion.  My new best friend. Unfortunately. 

And honestly, I felt completely horrible.  I was sick all the time.  Or at least, that's how it felt.  I constantly felt like I had the flu.  I couldn't eat anything.  And every time I did try to eat, I would just end up throwing it all mostly back up.  To where, it was almost pointless to even try, even though I knew I had to.  And everything  still smelled.  Horribly.  Everything.   And to make things worse, I could barely even brush my teeth without nearly gagging myself, because the taste and smell of the toothpaste was so strong and absolutely nauseating.  So yeah... I was a hot mess.  

And today was an especially bad day for me.  Worse than most.  So much so, that I had decided to call off work.  So I could throw up in peace.  And not have to keep running to the bathroom every five minutes at school.  And have the children wonder what was wrong with me.  So yes, being at home was way better. 

After I finally got done throwing up, I laid down on the bed, and even though I still felt sick, I had nothing in my stomach to even possibly throw up any more.  But again, I still felt sick.  So I just laid down and tried not to move.  

 About an hour later, Nichole arrived home from work.  But again, I, on the other hand, I had chosen to take the day off because I was sick as hell.  Because the fact was, I was now 12 weeks along, and as I still suffering from "morning sickness", even though what they called "morning sickness", for me, lasted all day, and usually didn't let up up into well into the evening.  

"Hey you", Nichole said, as she came into the bedroom, to find me in my usual spot, in bed, as she sat down beside me, and pecked me on the lips. 

"Hi", I said, smiling and kissing her back, as I was glad to see her.  "I missed you", I said, as I cuddled into her.

"I missed you too.  Like crazy.  How was your day?"

"It was ok.  I didn't really do much."

"You didn't?"

"No. I just kinda laid around."

 "Well.  You need your rest.  How are you feeling, by the way?"

"I feel about the same, really.  I was sick most of the day, but I'm starting to feel a little better now", I said, as it was now approaching late afternoon, which was when my nauseousness usually subsided somewhat.

"Well, that's good you're feeling a little better now.  Were you throwing up today?"

"Yes.  All day.  I just got done throwing up a little bit ago."

She looked at me concerned.  "Geez, Lex. That's not good."

"I know.  Just hopefully I'll get past this soon", I said, remembering what the doctor had said at my last checkup.  

"Yeah. The doctor said at about 14 weeks or so, it should start to get better."

"Yes.  And I'm hoping it does.  I really am", I said, honestly, because I didn't know how much longer I could go on like this.  I really didn't.  The sickness was just so bad and completely unrelenting.  But at the same time, it was for a good cause, and I knew it would all be worth it in the end.  Because to be a mother, for Nichole and I to be parents, raising a child of our own, was just such an amazing thought.  And there was nothing more in the world that I could possibly want.  Absolutely nothing.  So yes, it was all worth it.

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