Part 29

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Alyssa's POV:

"How much more fucking cards can we fucking possibly play?  I mean, goddamn, this shit is lame as hell", I said, throwing my cards on the table, as I was hanging out with boring Nichole and Alexis at their house on a Saturday.

Nichole shot me a look.  "What's wrong with playing with cards?"

"It's lame as hell, that's what.  May be fine for a boring married couple like you two nerds. But I'm young and single.  So for me, not so much."

"Well, what would you prefer?", Nikki asked. 

"I don't know.  Can we at least order a pizza or something?"

"Yeah, we can do that.  Lex, you want pizza?", Nikki said, glancing over at Alexis.

But Alexis wasn't paying any attention at all to us, or to what we were saying, and in fact, she seemed completely lost in her own thoughts. 

"Lex", Nikki said again, trying to get her attention.

"Oh", she said, she said, seemingly coming back to earth.  "What did you say?"

"We're asking if you want pizza, dork", I said.  

"Oh... yeah... fine.  Whatever", she said, as it was obvious her mind was elsewhere.

"Is everything ok?", Nikki asked her, looking concerned.

"I'm not sure", Alexis said, glancing at her phone. 

"What do you mean?", Nichole asked. 

"Well... it's Maddie."

And as soon as she said Maddie's name, it immediately caught my attention.  "What about Maddie?", I asked, curious as to what she was talking about.

"Well, I'm concerned about her.  Because I haven't heard from her in weeks.  And we're usually in constant contact.  But she hasn't been returning any of my phone calls or responding to any of my texts."

Nichole furrowed her eyebrows together, as she too instantly became concerned.  "Yeah, that's not like her at all", she said, obviously aware of their communication patterns. 

"No it's not", Alexis said, growing even more concerned.

"Well, have you tried going over to her house to check on her?", I asked, growing concerned ,as well. 

"No, I haven't."

"Well, maybe we should", Nichole said. 

"Yes.  I think we need to", Alexis said.

"Well, we can go right now if you want", Nichole offered.  "Because I'm concerned.  You should of heard from her by now.  This isn't like her."

"I know.  I agree", she said. 

And just then, I interjected.  "Hey look.  I'm about to head out anyway.  So, if you want, I can stop over and check in on her for you", I offered.  Because the truth was, I was concerned too.  Because I knew Alexis and Maddie were very close.  So Alexis not hearing from Maddie in that long of a time was definitely very odd.

Alexis looked at Nichole, who seemed to be in agreement, then she looked at me.  "Yeah, I guess that would be fine.  If you don't mind."

"No, I don't mind at all.  It's on my way home, anyhow."

"Ok", Lexi, agreed.  Because someone definitely needs to check on her."

"I agree", I said, getting up.  "I'm my way now", I said, as I headed out the door.

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