Part 41

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Nichole's POV:

It was early on a Saturday morning and I was busily working away in my home office.  I had gotten up early for the sole purpose of trying to get some work done before Alexis awoke.  She was still asleep.  And for good reason.  She was expecting and she needed her rest.  So, I always just left her sleep as long as she wanted to.  And this morning was no exception.  But I had decided to take advantage of it and try to get as much done as I could.

And as I worked, my mind began to wonder.  I started to think about Alexis and the things that I had been keeping from her and had yet to tell her.  

The first issue was about the letter pertaining to the lawsuit against Cal, her ex boyfriend.  And the second issue was that I was scheduled to be on location in Los Angeles with Sydney for 2 weeks.  The trip had been pushed back a few weeks, which only had made me delay telling Alexis even more about me having to travel.  And the reason I hadn't yet told her about both of these issues was because I was afraid of what her reaction was going to be.  

I was afraid of how she would react to even hearing Cal's name again, after all these years, let alone having to deal with a legal issue. 

And as far as me traveling, well, on the one hand, it was a smaller problem then the Cal situation.  But yet on the other hand, I knew Alexis wasn't going to be happy about it.  My traveling had always bothered her.  In fact, it had always been a major point of contention between us.  But now with her expecting, she disliked it even more.  Because she, quite simply, didn't want to be without me.  She needed me more than ever.   She wanted me by her side.  All the time.  Without any question.  But yet at the same time, she knew, as well as I did, that traveling was part of my job.  Like it or not, it came with the territory.   And it was simply something I had no control over. 

So yes, these were issues that I knew I needed to talk to her about.  And I would.  Very, very soon.  But exactly when?  Well, I wasn't exactly sure.  Because quite honestly, every time I tried to tell her,  I lost my nerve. 


1 hour later:

Alexis' POV:

I awoke from a deep sleep, having no idea what time it was or how long I had slept.  But lately I had been very tired.  More than usual, as seemed per par, as my pregnancy inched further and further along.  

I reached over to the other side of the bed, only to find that Nikki wasn't there, as she had already gotten up. 

I got up and took a quick shower, dressed, then went downstairs, only to find Nichole busy at work in her office.  On a Saturday, which was supposed to be her day off.  And unfortunately, it wasn't unusual to see her do just that.  And it was another reminder of just how demanding her job truly was.  

"Good morning", I said, as I walked into her office and sat next to her.

She smiled warmly.  "Good morning, beautiful", she replied, as she greeted me with a kiss.

"What are you working on?", I asked, yawning, still a little groggy.

"Just some stuff for work", she said, as she continued to her switch her focus between me and what whatever it was she was working on. 

"But it's Saturday.  It's supposed to be your day off."

"I know", she said, as she was now solely focused on her computer.  "I just have to finish clearing a few things up before-"

And suddenly she stopped short of what she was going to say, and looked at me nervously.  And in my opinion, somewhat suspiciously.  And of what, I didn't know.  Or maybe it was just my imagination.  I really wasn't sure. 

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