Part 26

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(Alyssa and Nichole)

Nicole's POV:

A few minutes later, the door bell rang.  I opened the door, nearly on the verge of exploding, mere seconds from flipping the fuck out.  

"Hey", Alyssa said quietly, looking scared, not knowing what to expect, as she and Anthony came inside.

I glared at the both of them as I shut the door behind them, but didn't say anything.

"Sooo... what's new?", Alyssa asked, trying to make small talk, and in my opinion, trying to ignore the whole issue as to why I asked them to come over in the first place.  Because I knew damn well both her and Anthony knew exactly why they were here.  They were stupid, but they weren't that stupid.

"You know damn well what's new, Alyssa!", I yelled, not wasting any time.  "So don't fucking play stupid with me!"

"I'm not playing stupid.  We just came over because you asked us to", she said. 

"And you know damn well why I asked you to come over!", I yelled at her, as my anger was quickly overtaking me.

"I might have an idea", she said, knowing exactly why she was here.

"Don't FUCK with me, Alyssa!", I yelled even louder, and getting in her face.

"Just calm down, Nic", Anthony said, stepping in between us, trying to be the voice of reason and to diffuse a bomb that was on the verge of exploding.  Because I was mere seconds from going off on both of them.

But him stepping in didn't change a damn thing.  Because my anger was out of control and I was about to fucking rage.

"Fuck you, Anthony!  Don't tell me to calm down!  Not after what just happened to my wife!  On your watch, Anthony!", I yelled, solely turning my anger towards him, because he was just as much to blame.  "Your watch!"

And immediately he backed down because he knew he was in deep shit.  And it was clear that I wasn't going to back down.  At all.   And neither he nor Alyssa was going to get out of this.  There was absolutely no chance of that.  And they both fucking knew it.

"I know, I know", he said, looking extremely guilty.  "I fucked up.  I know that.  I just... underestimated the situation."

"Underestimated the situation??!!", I screamed, in disbelief.  "You allowed my wife to be put in a dangerous situation that she couldn't get out of!   And all you can say is you underestimated the situation??!!"

"Look, it's not all his fault", Alyssa interjected.  "He tried to-"

"He tried to what?!", I yelled, now turning my anger towards her.

"He stopped it", Alyssa said, defending him.

"He stopped it?!", I yelled, getting in her face once again.  "After it already happened?!  How the fuck is that stopping it?!"

"Well... it just happened so fast", Alyssa said, backtracking.

"Did it?! Did it happen fast, Alyssa?!!  Or were you just too busy trying to fuck some girl that you don't even know, instead of paying attention to what was going on with Alexis?!!"

"What are you talking about?", Alyssa said, suddenly getting defensive.  

"Lexi told me that you left her alone because you wanted to go off with some stranger that you don't even know.  And you completely put my wife in harm's way.  Because of your own selfishness!"

"I didn't even do anything with that girl.  She was drunk off her ass and I ended up babysitting her the whole time.  And I only came to learn after the fact that she's not even into girls.  She was just drunk as hell and didn't know what she was doing.  So nothing even happened."

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