Part 11

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Nichole's POV:

We had just landed in New York, after returning from our one month long trip to London.  And needless to say, it felt good to be back home.  Really, really good.  And what was even better was that the agency had informed me that I didn't have to travel for the next couple of months.  At least for the moment that was the plan.  But as always, plans could change very quickly, at a moment's notice.  But for now, I was just going to enjoy the moment and enjoy being back home.  And just not think about it.

"I really miss Sapphire", Alexis said, as we were driving to pick him up from Maddie's House.  Maddie had agreed to watch him for us while we were away.  She was great with animals and absolutely adored Sapphire.  So, she was always our go-to pet sitter. 

"Me too.  He'll be happy to see us", I said.  

"Speaking of which, since we're talking about Maddie", Alexis said.  "How's Alyssa doing?  I mean... with everything."

I shook my head, knowing exactly what she was talking about.  "I don't know.  It's hard to tell.  You know how she is.  She always blows everything off.  Acts like nothing is ever wrong.  Or that nothing is ever bothering her.  She wants everyone to think everything is fine.  Even if it isn't."

"Yeah", she said, simply, knowing only too well how Alyssa could be.

"But I also know her well enough to know she's not taking it very well.  I know she's not.  So, I probably need to talk to her about it."

She nodded in agreement.  "Yes.  And honestly, I know it was hard on Maddie too.  It was a bad breakup."

"Yeah", I agreed.  "It was absolutely terrible."

Alyssa and Maddie had broken up 6 months ago, after almost 6 years of dating.   It had been a very bad breakup.  And unfortunately, things between them had ended very badly.  And as far as I knew, they hadn't seen or even spoken to each other since.  

And even though I didn't know all the details of as to what exactly had transpired between them, I had a gut feeling that at least some of it had to do with Alyssa's constant immaturity.  And I wish I could say that Alyssa had matured over the years.  But the fact was, she hadn't.  She still acted like a child.  Extremely immature and juvenile.  Carefree, a procrastinator and completely irresponsible.  So I couldn't help but think that that had played a role in their eventual breakup.  I mean, how couldn't it?

We arrived at Maddie's house, and she instantly smiled and greeted us warmly at the front door.  "Hey!  Come on in!"

We entered her house and immediately Sapphire came running over to us, meowing like crazy, and just so excited.

Alexis immediately knelt down and scooped him up in her arms and hugged him, causing him to purr.

"Hey Saph", I said, happily, as I petted him.  "You happy to see us?"

"He missed you guys like crazy", Maddie said.

And just then, out of nowhere, a young blonde woman appeared from the kitchen.  Someone I didn't know or even recognize.  And, honestly, it threw me off guard, because I wasn't expecting anyone, besides Maddie, to be here.

Maddie looked at the young woman, then back at us, as it was obvious that Alexis and I were both curious as to who she was.

"Oh, ummm...", Maddie said, seemingly feeling a little awkward.  "This is Alexis, my older sister that I was telling you about.  And this is her wife, Nichole, and she's also my ex's sister."

"And", she continued.  "This is Taylor.  My... girlfriend."

And what followed was nothing but silence.  Because quite honestly, it was awkward.  And had I known about it in advance, perhaps I wouldn't have been so thrown off.  But the fact was, I didn't know Maddie had a new girlfriend.  And not that it was a big deal.  I mean, it was fine.  It's just that I didn't know.  And neither did Lexi.  So, needless to say, it took us both off guard.

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