Part 61

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Maddie's POV:

I was chilling out at home in the kitchen, early in the morning, making some coffee.   It was Saturday and I was off.  Alyssa, on the other hand, had to work.  She had to take care of some business at one of her family's restaurants.  So, she would be gone most of the day.

So, what that meant was that I had the day to myself.  And mostly all I had planned was to do some things around the house.  Things I just hadn't had time to do.

And as I was in the kitchen, I got a text.  Expecting it to be my girlfriend, I didn't really think much of it.  In fact, I had been expecting Alyssa to text me.  As she always did.

 But when I looked at my phone, what I saw was completely unexpected and had completely thrown me off.   Because it wasn't Alyssa at all.

In fact, for lack of a better way to say it, it was nothing short of a blast from the past.

"Taylor?", I said, out loud.

It was Taylor, my ex girlfriend.  Whom I hadn't heard from in months.  Ever since her and I had broken up.

"What the hell?", I said, still taken aback.  Because why was she texting me?  What could she possibly want?  Her and I hadn't spoken in what felt like forever.  And for good reason.  We had cut all ties.  And had ended all contact with each other.  So really... what was there to say?

I opened up the text, in full anticipation of what she had to say.  Because I just couldn't imagine.

My eyes went wide, as I read the most daunting words I think I had ever heard.

'Maddie, I need your help.  I'm in trouble.'

My breath hitched, as tried to comprehend what I had just read.  Trouble?  What the hell?


'Taylor?' But, as I texted her, I couldn't help but to feel weird.  Because we hadn't spoken in so long.   And now, out of the blue.

'Yes, it's me.  Can we talk?'

And with that. I took a step back, as I hesitated.  Because... talk?  Talk about what?  Because not only did it feel weird, it felt wrong.   Because I knew we shouldn't be talking.  

'Ummm', I texted back.  

'I know this may seem weird, but I really need to talk to you.'

Again, I hesitated.  Because Taylor not only was my ex girlfriend, but we had ended things on a really bad note.  So, this was weird.  What could she possibly want to talk about?

'But if you don't want to...', she texted after I didn't respond.

And with that, I decided to text her back.  Because I kinda felt like I had to.  I didn't want to be rude.  And well, I was a little curious as to why she was contacting me after all this time. 

'No, we can talk.  But what's this about?'

'There's some loose ends we still need to tie up.'

I furrowed my eyebrows together.  'Loose ends?'  Because what the hell?  There weren't any loose ends.  Not that I knew of.  At least not on my end.  Because as far as I was concerned, we had made a clean break.  

'Loose ends about what?', I asked, completely confused.

'I'd rather talk about it in person.'

As soon as she said that, I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me.  Because again, things had ended badly between us.  So, to talk to her in person.  Well, I just didn't know if that was something I wanted to do.

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