Part 49

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Maddie's POV:

"Alyssa move!", I yelled, pushing her feet out of the way.  We were hanging out at her apartment.  And she was sitting on the couch, while I had decided to start cleaning.   And why?  Because I just couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm trying to vacuum here", I said.  But her feet were in the way. 

"Damn, woman", she said, as she lifted up her feet for me to finish vacuuming near the couch. 

"God, you're such a pig", I said, irritated as I shut the vacuum off.  Because her apartment was a mess. 

"What?  It's not that bad", she said, looking around.  "I mean, it's a little messy, but-"

"A little messy?  It's fucking disgusting.  When's the last time you cleaned?"

She shrugged her shoulders.  "I don't know.  Whenever you cleaned it for me last, I guess."

I threw a pillow at her.  "You nasty-"

She laughed, as she reached out for me, as she wrapped her arms around me, and pulled me onto the couch with her. 

"Let me go", I said, as she hugged me.

"Never", she said, peppering me with kisses.

"Alyssa stop!", I said, pulling away from her.   "I'm busy here!  Trying to clean your shit hole."

She let me go, as I got back up and continued cleaning.  Because the condition of her apartment was driving me absolutely crazy.  So much so, that I couldn't even be in it until it was clean.

"What's your problem?", she asked, as she just continued to sit there.  Not even offering to help. 

I stopped what I was doing and glared at her, but didn't say anything.

"What?", she asked, acting like she had absolutely no idea why I would be upset with her.  

I shook my head.  

"What?", she asked again, knowing I was pissed off.  "Why are you giving me that look?"

"I'm giving you that look because I'm pissed."


"You know damn well why", I said.  Because she should know by now that I liked things to be neat and orderly.  "Get your ass up and start helping me, Alyssa, or else-", I said, but stopped short of finishing my sentence.   Because what I wanted to say to her wasn't too nice.  And I just wasn't sure if I wanted to say it.   Because I didn't want to be... well... rude.

She looked at me, as I had now caught her attention.  "Or else what?"

Again, I hesitated.  Because I didn't want to hurt her feelings. 

"Just say it", she said.  "Or else what?"

"Or else... I'll never come over to your place again."

"What??", she said, sounding surprised.  "Never??"


"But why?"

"Because it's too disgusting for me to even be here."  And it wasn't that it was dirty.  It was just messy.  Clothes everything.  Laundry not folded.  The bed not made.  Her bath towel not hung up.  Snacks laying everywhere.   And the list went on and on.  

And it bothered me to no end because I guess you could say I was a little bit of a neat freak.  But I just couldn't help it.  I liked things to be neat and orderly.  And it went without saying that her apartment was far from that.  So, in that way, Alyssa and I were complete opposites.  And it just drove me absolutely crazy. 

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