Part 44

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The next morning:

Nichole's POV:

It was early Sunday morning, before sunrise, to be exact.  Alexis and I were both still asleep.  And as we slept, I felt a small tap on my shoulder.   But I was still half asleep, so I thought it was just my imagination.  So, I just ignored it and turned over. 

But a few seconds later, I felt it again.  Another tap on my shoulder.  Then a nudge.  Then another tap.  

"What the?-", I said, as I peered out into the dimly lit room.  

And there stood a wide-eyed Peter, staring right at me, holding his blanket and sucking his thumb.  

"What are you doing?", I asked, still half-asleep.  

"I wake up."

I glanced at my phone.  4:30 am.  Ugh.  This was supposed to be my day off.  And the last thing I wanted was to be woken up this early.  

"But it's so early.  Go back to sleep", I said, as I turned over and tried to do just that, go back to sleep. 

But within mere seconds, he nudged me again.  "I wake up", he repeated.

Having no choice, I rolled back over, and looked at the small toddler.  

"But it's still early.  You need to go back to sleep", I said, trying to convince him to go back to bed.  So, I could go back to bed, too.

"I not tired", he said, in between sucks.  

And with that, it became clear that he wasn't going to go back to sleep.  And that meant I wasn't going to either.  Ugh.  So early.  

And just then, I suddenly remembered something.  Both Alexis and I were completely naked, as that was how we often slept.  And I hadn't thought anything of it because I didn't except him to be coming over to our room so early in the morning. 

And even though her and I were both fully covered with a blanket, I quickly grabbed a sheet and covered myself even more.  

"Ahhh... just wait for me right here", I said, quietly, as to not awake Alexis.  Because she needed her rest.  "I need to go the bathroom real quick.  But I'll be right back."

"Ok", he said, it a quiet voice.  

"But you need to wait right here.  And try to be really quiet, so we don't wake up Alexis ok?  Because she's still sleeping."

"Ok.  I wait right here."

And with that, I wrapped myself in the sheet, making sure the blanket was still fully covering Alexis.  I then, got up and grabbed some clothes from my dresser and quickly disappeared into the bathroom.  

I got dressed in a navy long sleeved tee and jeans, pulled my hair back, and freshened up as fast as I could, not wanting to leave him unattended for too long.  Because...well, who knew what would happen.

A minute later, I came out of the bathroom, only to find him standing in the exact same spot.  

Relieved that he hadn't woken up Alexis, I went over to the small boy and took his hand and led him out of the bedroom and shut the door behind me, as to not disturb Alexis. 

I then took him into the spare bedroom where he had slept, since that's where his overnight bag was.  

"Let's get you dressed and brush your teeth", I said, seeing how we were both now up, and he was obviously more then ready to start the day.

I got some clean clothes out of his bag, and a fresh pull-up, deciding to skip even trying to put underwear on him,  after the couch incident from yesterday.  

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