Part 56

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Monday morning:

Alyssa's POV:

We woke up early in the morning because today was Maddie's first day of orientation for her new job.   She was already up and showered before I was even out of bed.

"Alyssa", she said, coming over to the edge of the bed and nudging me.  "Time to get up", she said, with a towel wrapped around her.

I turned over.  "Ugh", I groaned.  "Already?"  Because it seemed like I had just closed my eyes, but now it was already time to get up.  

"Yes", she said, looking a little preoccupied.  

I reluctantly got out of bed, completely naked, as Maddie and I both usually slept this way.  I took one look at her and I could tell she looked nervous, as I would expect for her first day on the job.  But there was something else.  Something more than just that.  She seemed upset, as if something was bothering her. 

"What's wrong?", I asked, as I stood next to her.

She glared at me, but didn't say anything.  And as soon as I saw that look, I knew exactly what she was mad about.

"Oh my God", I said, turning away from her and heading to the bathroom.  Because I wasn't even awake yet.  And it was way too early for the conversation that I knew, without a doubt, was coming.  

"What?", she asked, innocently, as if she had no idea what I was talking about. 

"Goddamn woman, just fucking let it go", I said, as I walked to the bathroom, as she followed me.  

I stepped into the shower and turned the water on to super hot.  The way I liked it.  And even though I attempted to enjoy my shower, Maddie's big mouth had to ruin it.

"I'm trying to let it go, but I'm just so mad!", she yelled, trying to be heard over the shower.

And then she said a bunch of other shit that I couldn't make out properly because I couldn't hear her over the sound of the water. 

"I can't hear you!", I yelled back, as I washed my hair.  

"I said!... I'm just irritated that you - !", she yelled.

But I cut her off before she could finish.  "Can you at least let my finish taking my shower?!", I yelled back.  In peace, I thought.  "Before we have this conversation.  Because I can't even hear you, properly!", I yelled.

"Fine", she muttered, leaving the room.

I finished my shower.  But I didn't feel refreshed at all.  I was barely even awake and she was already starting shit.  And I already knew what it was about.  I already knew that it was the same thing that she had been bitching about since yesterday. 

I dried myself off and wrapped a towel around me, then walked into the bedroom, as I mentally prepared myself for round 2 of what we now dreadingly referred to as 'The Maid Incident.'

"You could have at least defended me, Alyssa", she said.

"But I already told you, I didn't even know what was going on", I said, trying to explain myself.  "I was fucked up."

"That's still no excuse.  She was being so rude to me and you didn't do anything at all about it.  All you did was just stand there.  Looking stupid."

"How was I was looking stupid?", I said, haven't even dressed yet.  I barely even had time to put on a robe before she started reaming me out.  

"You were looking stupid because while your girlfriend was being disrespected right in front of you, you just stood there and allowed it to happen."

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