Part 30

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Nichole's POV:

"I'm not really sure what's going on", Alexis said, as she finally came out of the bathroom, early in the morning, after waking both of us up.  "I just don't feel good.  At all."

I took one look at her and immediately grew concerned.  She had dark circles under her eyes.  And she was pale and looked weak.  Almost frail.  And she just didn't look like herself at all.  

"What's wrong?", I asked as she sat on the edge of the bed, and I did, as well.

"I'm dizzy and lightheaded and I feel nauseous."

I placed my hand on her forehead.  "You don't feel like you have a fever."

She shook her head.  "No I don't think I do."

"Maybe you're coming down with a cold or the flu."

And as soon as I said that, she immediately jumped up.  "I think I'm gonna throw up", she said, as she quickly ran to the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

A few minutes later, I could hear her throwing up.  And I immediately grew even more concerned. 

I waited outside the bathroom door.  And a few moments later, all I heard was silence.

I knocked on the door.  "Lexi, are you all right?"

She didn't answer.  So, I waited a few minutes longer.  And again, all I heard was silence.  


And again, no answer.  And that's when I started to panic.  "Lexi,  I'm coming in", I said, as I no longer waited for her to answer and just opened the door.

And when I opened the door, I found her sitting on the bathroom floor, looking more ill than I've ever seen her in all the years I've know her. 

"Alexis?", I asked, as I walked over to her, and knelt down beside her.  And the next thing I knew, she jumped up and immediately started throwing up yet again.  I started to grow even more concerned, and not knowing what else to do, I held her hair back, as she continued to throw up.  

And after a few long moments, she finally stopped.  And after gathering herself the best she could, she slowly made her way to the bathroom sink and brushed her teeth and splashed cold water on her face.

And again, she just looked so sick and so pale.  And I just didn't know what to make of all of it.

"Are you ok?", I asked.

"No", she said, shaking her head.

"Do you want to try to sit down?", I suggested, not knowing what else would help.

And she simply nodded, as I took hold of her hand and led her to the bed, as she sat down and I sat next to her.

"What the heck?", I asked, again having never seen her this sick.

"I don't know.  I'm just so dizzy and nauseous.  And I'm so thirsty.

And as soon as she said that, I went into the bathroom and got her a glass of water.  "Here", I said, handing her the glass.  "Maybe this will help."

She took a sip of water, then handed the glass back to me.

"Are you feeling any better?", I asked, worried.

"A little", she said, as she laid down in the bed and pulled the cover over top of her.  "I feel a little less nauseous after throwing up."

"Ok.  That's good.  Maybe you're getting the flu", I said, as it was now late fall and flu season was now upon us.

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