Part 60

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I month later:

Nicole's POV:

"Oh my Goodness", Alexis, said, as I handed her the magazine that I had just found hidden away in my desk drawer in my home office.  

"I know right."  It was a picture of her on the cover of a magazine, during her earlier modeling days.  From what felt like forever ago. 

"I haven't seen this in years."

"Neither have I.  In fact, I nearly forgot about it."

She rolled her eyes.  "So, did I.  God, it was painful."

I half-laughed.  Because I knew all too well how stressful the cover, as well as her having been featured in the magazine, had been for her.   As well as just modeling, in general.  "Yes, it's all coming back to me", I said, as I remembered, as I had been the one who had taken the photos of her.  "Talk about stress."

"I would never want to do that again", she said, handing me back the magazine.

"Well, you still could."

She looked at me confused.  "What does that mean."

"It means you're still just as gorgeous.  And still sexy enough to be on any magazine."

A faint blush spread across her cheeks." Nikki, stop.  That was a long time ago."

"Well, it's as if time stood still for you."

"Please.  I look terrible.  I'm all pregnant and... just a hot mess", she said, as she ran her hands through her tossled hair. 

I pulled her onto my lap.  "You're absolutely beautiful.  Now and always."

"If I wasn't mistaken, it seems like you're trying to flirt with me", she said, playfully, as she trailed her fingertips down my arm.

"Ummm... maybe.  Is it working?"

"No", she said, getting off my lap, and going into the kitchen.  But at least, you're talking to me now", she said, as I followed her. 

And with that, I knew what she was getting at.  Because all day, I had barely said a word.  In fact, the magazine cover had been a welcomed distraction, as it had pulled me out of troubled thoughts.  If even for just a brief moment.

All day, I had been distant.  Distracted.  And out of sorts.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't.  And why?  Why was I so aloof?  Well, for good reason.  At least in my mind. 

I had gotten word that Cal's trial would take place in the New York City courts next week.  And what did this mean?  I wasn't really sure.

Lexi and I had decided together that it was in her best interest not to be involved with the court hearing.  At all.   Because it simply wouldn't be healthy for her.  Physically, mentally or emotionally. 

And all in all, I felt good about that decision to not involve her.  But as for me, and what role, if any, I would play in all of this, I wasn't quite as sure.  I could stay out of it all together.  And not be involved at all.  And just let whatever happened, happen.  Let the chips fall where they may, in a sense.  And it wasn't a bad option.  Because Alexis had already been through more than enough with Cal.  And my main concern was, without question, her.  In every sense of the word.  And what that meant was I needed to make sure she wasn't subjected to any more damage at his hands.  In any way whatsoever.  So yes, she was my main concern.  

But with that being said, this is me, Nichole, that we're talking about.  It was in my nature to speak up and to be involved.  To make my presence known.  To make my voice be heard.  Especially when it came to my family. 

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