Chapter 16

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Rosella's POV

Beep Beep Beep

"Uragh I hate school," I reach for my phone and turn off the alarm. I can feel the sun shining through the windows.

Dammit, I forgot to close the curtains. I'm gonna go blind.

Why do my thighs hurt? I look up and notice my open laptop on my legs and the scattered paper that was on the bed that is now on the floor.

Fuck. I'm not going to school. I'm at work! Shit, the event starts today. I grab my phone and look at the time.

Thank goodness I was prepared last night and set an alarm. It's only 7:30 in the morning. I slowly look through my notifications seeing if Mayu or anybody else had texted me.

I feel a slight disappointment when I don't see anything from the twins, but now is not the time to be thinking about that. I need to get up and get ready for the Barlacotta event.

I decide to go with simple colors. I chose wide high-waisted pants and a plain white top with them. I added some dainty silver jewelry and lastly put on a pair of black heels.

"Eight o'clock

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"Eight o'clock. Good. Still got about another hour" Instead of getting back onto my phone I decide to finish the last piece of my paperwork from last night. I grab my laptop and start typing away.

After looking through the new patterns and dresses I send Mayu an email of what I want to keep and change. I saw one of the dress patterns but decided that it should have a different shade of color and be wider.

I think it will give it more flow when the model moves and it would create a beautiful rainbow effect.

I drew out the sketch and sent her a picture of what I would want it to look like. Hopefully, this dress will be on the front of the Lemonie magazine this year.

Mayu never tells me to give up and she's always there giving me the best feedback about my work. I just hope that I can top Jackies's designs.

Mine and Jackie's are both big clothing companies, but for the past few years, her dresses have won the front page of Lemonie. I only had one of my pieces on there once and Jackie was furious.

She had the nerve to come to my company and say that I paid Lemonie to have my clothing on the front.

Of course, I kicked her out of my company, but by her accusing me. It made the media curious and even though I told them several times that I never paid Lemonie, the media and Jackie just wanted to screw with my life.

It pushes me down the past few years. Seeing her piece make it in the front again and again but I never stopped pushing myself and I'm not going to stop now. I'm gonna make it to the front again!

I shut my laptop after sending a second message to Mayu. I grab my phone and call a cab.

Getting into the car I ask the driver to take me to the coffee shop down a few streets.

I knew I should've come earlier the line is so long. I then start looking around the place while standing in line until someone bumps into my legs. I stumble forward, but catch my balance and turn around. I look down and see a little boy giving me the cutest little smile. Awe his eyes remind me of Vex and Marcello.

"I'm sorry miss. I'm trying to look for my brother, but I can't find him." He shrugs his little shoulders at me.

I bend down to him "Oh, then we should really go look for him." I start to look around the cafe.

"You're really pretty. Do you think we can be together forever?" I let out a small laugh and tickle his stomach.

"I'm sorry, the cafe is so noisy but are you sure you don't want to be with your brother forever?" I say to him.

He takes a moment to think, "Mmm it's okay. I guess I'll stay with him." He pouts. The little boy and I continue to look around the cafe, but there is no way I am standing out of the line.

"Giovanni! Giovanni!" The little boy looks up at me and smiles.

"That's my brother I hear him! Look there he is." The boy tells me.

A man comes by when he sees the little boy step out of the line that we are standing in. He runs over and scoops him up.

"Giovanni you cannot scare me like that. Stop running around. This is no playground young man." The man says.

I look up and see that Vex is holding the kid Giovanni. I shake my head and look at the man again. It is Vex.

"I know, I'm sorry but I saw this pretty lady and she was helping me find you!" Vex turns his attention away from Giovanni and looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Rosella. Your in New York?" He questions me.

"Umm yeah, that is where we are," I say.

"You know her! Good cause I asked her if we could be together forever" Vex turns back to Giovanni and his eyes widen. I let out a giggle.

"Rosella?" I hear someone else say my name. I turn around and now am face with Aaron.

"Hey! Aaron" I say excitedly.

"Getting some coffee?" He asks me.

"Yeah but this line is taking forever," I say while pointing to the front of the line.

"Ahem," I hear Vex behind me clear his throat.

"Ah, hey aren't you one of the Russo twins that run the car company in Seattle," Aaron asks Vex.

"He is. This is Vex! Vex this is Aaron. He owns a photography company in North Carolina!" I tell the both of them.

"Nice to meet you." I hear Vex say cooly.

Aaron turns back to me and whispers yells over the loud noise, "My friend actually owns this coffee shop and I can hit you up with some free coffee while your here."

"What really! Yeah, I want free coffee, can you tell her I want a cappuccino. Thanks, Aaron" I say happily.

"Nah, come with me and tell her yourself. It's a good way to start knowing others in New York. Plus I think she wears some of your shoes, so it would be a dream if she met you." He places his hand behind my back. Pushing me towards the back.

I turn around and say one last thing to Vex, "Bye Vex. Bye, little Giovanni!" I smile and wave. Giovanni waves back at me with his small hand and places his head back onto Vex's shoulder.

Vex gives me a tight smile when I go to catch up with Aaron at the front.

"Alright, so we got fifteen minutes till we have to get to the event. I can call a cab for the both of us?" I take a sip of my drink.

"Yep, sounds good," I say while placing my cup down on the small table.

After the cab dropped us off we walked into the building and got a tag. Saying that we are allowed inside the building.

We both go into the elevator and hit the floor number. We arrive on floor fifteen and walk to the room number that the meeting is being held in.

We belong to you and me *moves head from side to side*

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