Chapter 37

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Rosella's POV

The twins try to keep me in bed this morning. I already stayed for twenty minutes. I should really roll out of bed now because there is no way I can miss this meeting.

"No, just stay here, tesoro." Marcello wraps his arms tighter around me so I won't leave.

"Yeah, alright. We'll be there. Just gather the papers so we can finish them sooner" Vex has been on the computer since I've woken up and I'm assuming they might need to go into work as well.

"Marcello. We have all have to head to work, as much as I want us to be in bed with you Rosella. The place is going nuts since we haven't been there in five days" He groans, Vex kisses the top of my head and walks off to the bathroom.

Marcello loosen his hold on me and groans out loud "Whyyyyyy? You go to work Vex, I'm tired." I begin to shift away from Marcello. I finally jump off the bed and run into the bathroom with Vex.

"I'm free! I'm free! From Marcello's death hold" I laugh.

"HEY!" We hear Marcello yell.

I look at Vex and smile brightly. I quickly frown when I look in the mirror.

I begin to sigh "This is going to take forever" I say as I brush my fingers along my collarbone covered in hickeys.

I turn to look at Vex again and he gives me sheepish smile.


I walk into my office and I already see Mayu on the couch. "Gee took you long enough" I roll my eyes.

"I'm surprised you weren't rolled up with Carter yourself" she laughs.

"Well the Lemonie people should be here in five. Everything is ready and hopefully your design can be selling everywhere!" Mayu throws her arms up in excitement.

We suddenly hear a knock on the door. "Ma'am the Lemonie team is walking to meeting room three as we speak." I nod my head and Mayu and I both walk over to meet the team.

We meet them in time and I still can't believe that my design made it onto the cover.

"Yes. We think this design can definitely go far. It's classy and definitely something we want to show off in our future magazines and stores" Kayla says.

"We're thinking to buy the original for two million" I look at Mayu in shock.

"Making the same design of this dress will take a lot of effort, but it's something that we really think will go far."

"I- thank you yes. That will be great for my business" I'm in complete shock.

"Oh. We were thinking about some of yours shoes too. We know that isn't part of the deal, but we think adding it to our future magazines will catch interest of others too."

"Absolutely. My shoes are really what I'm known for, so yes!"

"Well we can get into contact with you in a few days and discuss about the shoes. It was wonderful to see you again Rosella. Congratulations." I smile and I know Mayu is filled with excitement.

"Oh this is great for you Rosella! You're finally getting the dream. This place is going to blow up. We're going to be better than fucking Jackie. I hope she's drowning in her own hole after that stunt she pulled" Mayu hugs me me tightly and I do the same.

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