Chapter 30

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Rosella's POV

"Let me know if you need anything, alright," Mayu asks and I nod. I pull up Marcello and then drag him to the door.

How much do you weigh Marcello? Holy fuck! Okay just lean against this wall for a second, "Do you have a key Marcello?" He groans.

"wergre dsonw fdo fdiq" he mumbles non-existing words. I had enough of his shit for tonight, either way, this would help me. He's not going to wake up and he made me stop him from a fight and he's drunk as fuck.

"Marcello!" I say in a firm voice, when he doesn't reply back I give him a hard slap on the cheek. Of course on the cheek that isn't bruised.

He jerks awake. "Where is your key?"

"Kinky," he smirks "I could definitely do that to you another time, in a different situation." I look up to the sky, sighing loudly.

Suddenly the door opens and reveals a messy hair Vex, only in black sweatpants and bloodshot eyes, with dried tears.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I flinch, not believing the way he would speak to me.

Vex's eyes widened when he realized I thought he was speaking to me, so he repeated his question. "What the fuck are you doing here, Marcello?"

I turned my attention back to him, trying to get him off the wall. "It's my home jackass." Vex rolled his eyes and took another swig of the whisky bottle in his hand, walking back into the living room, leaving the door open.

"Come on, Marcello." I help him into the living room and notice all of the liquor bottles littered all over the wood floors and countertops. They really do have all the alcohol.

I drop Marcello on the couch and I hear a grunt when he slides his body along the comfy throw pillows.

I can't believe they would go to this extent just because I wouldn't forgive them. I suddenly hear a loud snore and realize that it's from Vex.

He fell asleep on the opposite couch. I need to get out of here before I forgive them, I swore that it wasn't going to be easy for them, but they are hurting so much in the process of this.

No. They hurt me too, even more maybe. I'm not giving in to this, this stupidity of drinking their nights away because something didn't go their way.

I'm brought back to reality when I hear a ring come from one of their phones.

Mellisa Barlacotta.

I can just answer the phone, so I do just that. "Hi, Mellisa, it's me, Rosella-" I pause looking back at Vex's sleeping form, "Vex's is still working at the moment and-" she cuts me off.

"Oh, Rosella! If you could just pass on this message to me that would be wonderful. They said they needed to know urgently and I'm about to head off camping with my family, so no internet. Anyways, darling, ever since that meeting they mentioned the girl who is competing for the Lemonie front page. She said she was near their office and said that they weren't there." My heart dropped, no, no, no. They wouldn't.

Mellisa continues "I always forget her name. I know that you were competing for the Lemonie front page so maybe you can help me, she has blonde hair, a round face, and really pale."

"Jackie," I finish for her. I hear snap her fingers through the phone "Yes, that's it, sweetheart. The twins wanted to say something to her about Lemonie."

My voice became so small. I don't know what to think, are they hiding this from me? "I'll gladly pass on the message," she tells me her goodbyes and we hang up.

My eyes feel watery, for whatever reason it may be, but I find a sticky note and pen and quickly right down the message that Mellisa told me. I need to get out of here. They know that Jackie is the worst woman ever and they are keeping something from me.

I can't even hold in the single tear that rolls down my face. Jackie. Not only does she want to screw up my business but the people in my life too.

Mellisa told me to pass on the message. Jackie came by your building this evening and you weren't there. I decided to get going, maybe it would be best for me to focus on the Lemonie and you guys focus on your business.

- Rosella

I wipe the small tear off my face, taking a deep breath in before I go.

I look at the two people that changed my life completely for the best and the worst. I make the choice to finally walk out the door.


The day has finally come. It's already been a week and I got the news that Lemonie will be announcing who will get the front cover.

It's also been a week of endless texting and calls from the twins. I read over the messages but never respond to them.

There have been too many reporters around the area, especially since their whole entire company saw me kissing the twins. No, it's not my fault though.

They have been trying to avoid questions they said and can't help but think that maybe there trying to hide something about Jackie too.

It's all getting too much, I've been thinking about it for a while too. This has hurt me but I can't bear the thought that I could be the cause of their company's downfall just because they were in a relationship with me.

As tired and angry as I am with them, I would hate for that to happen. The best idea would be to let this relationship go... maybe I should speak to them.

Stop, I shouldn't be worried about this.


I click on the email and my heart is immediately filled with joy and all the sadness I just felt faded away.

My dress is on the front cover of Lemonie! I won. I beat fucking Jackie.

Mayu barges through the door and starts to squeal, expressing her excitement, "Do you see this. Oh my gosh! Rosella looks at the link. The word is already spreading, articles are going everywhere." She throws her arms around me and we hug each other tightly.

"This is a much-needed drink. The hard work is over. You beat Jackie!" She pulls away from me and runs to her office, and then comes back to my room with a bottle of Pink Whitney.

There is no way I'm turning down Pink Whitney. I grab the new bottle and take a drink. "Hey save some for me." Mayu snatches the bottle back.

"Thank you, Mayu. You know you helped me win too, right? I really couldn't have won this-" She holds her hand up and hands me back the bottle.

"Nope, stop. You're gonna sound all sobby and that's a no. We should be happy and celebrating" I laugh and give her my thanks again.

Both of our heads turn when we hear a knock from my door. "Come in," I yell.

"Miss Montinero. Someone is demanding to see you. It's Jackie, she is causing a huge scene on your floor and the Russo twins are here too. I'm so sorry, I don't understand how they got through the security and-" I sigh and take a long drink of the vodka.

They really want to ruin my damn celebration and it wasn't even a full twenty minutes for me to enjoy.

Mayu and I are quickly walking out and I see the back of Vex and notice Marcello bringing his lips towards the side of Jackie's face.

It happens so quickly but my heart is shattering even more when I see Vex's lips connecting with hers. With Jackie's lips.

Tired AF. I want to go shopping.

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