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"Thank youuu."

You observed the neatly bandaged wound on your hand. You were tempted to scratch it, yet decided against it. A smile of gratitude was sent to Satan's way.

"No problem. Oh...! By the way, I heard from a certain idiot that you and Lucifer actually met before you two went to RAD?"

"By 'certain idiot', you must be referring to Mammon, right?" Your question was answered with a nod.

"He refused to tell me after revealing a bit of info though, a shame."

"Well it's not really much of a secret."

- - -

You repeated the same info you relayed onto the six back at Ristorante Six.

"You met coincidentally?" Satan tidies up the first aid kit.

"I might have lured him."

"'Lured'?" Satan repeated.

"I used to lure tons of curious people through the use of music. I played a lyre, the melody just lures people into the forest I used to hang around." You laughed in a guilty manner, remembering all the things you did back then.

"Like a siren?"

"I suppose you could say it like that."

"I see..." Then his face visibly brightened as he turned his body to face you.

"You like to annoy Lucifer?" Satan felt a mischievous grin creep into his face. You deadpanned. "'Liked', past tense."

"That can be changed."

"What are you, the demon on my right shoulder?" You joked.

"...Let's form an alliance!"

"No we are not doing that." You tried to scold, only for your face to betray your words.

"You look like you're about to laugh." He pointed out with an amused expression.

"You really hold immense distaste for Lucifer, huh?" You ran your fingers gently through your wounded hand.

"Hah distaste is a massive understatement. I HATE Lucifer." He snarled. Just as he said that, you practically saw his horns pop out as he expressed his resentment.

You couldn't help but frown. "What makes you hate him so much, anyway?"

His brow rose, thinking you were just mocking him, yet the genuine confusion in your face said otherwise.

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