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"...Help...me?" You repeated. Solomon nodded. "You really are bound to misfortune, aren't you?"

He raised the notebook. "Not only is this a record of your life before you became a resident to the Demon Lord's Castle, but it is also filled with a few of his researches."

You stayed silent, signaling for him to continue. He spoke once more. "You see, he said you changed. He saw potential in you. He wanted to free you from your curse. Maybe not completely, but to the point that you don't get into life threatening situations randomly.

"...I thought he was fine with what I was doing? Why should he worry about it being a hassle?" You laughed, yet Solomon noticed. The laugh was devoid of any emotions. His gaze became gentler.

"Because he cares about you."

"...Well after everything I've done, I don't think anyone should ever care about me at all." The smile in your face completely vanished. All Solomon saw now was the empty look in your expression.

"...I really don't think you should have such a mindset. I'm sure you're already well liked. The past is in the past. You should put it into consideration." Solomon was caught off guard. He didn't really expect this, so all the things he blurted out was just what popped into his mind.

'...Though I do wonder why (M/n) thinks about himself like this.'

You two stared at one another in silence. Then your usual smile appeared once more. Solomon knew better.

"Whatever. If you're telling the truth about not reading anything in there, then you must be feeling pretty confused now, right?" You gestured to the notebook in his hand. "Feel free to read through it. I don't really care. Though, I highly discourage following through with his supposed duty."

You stretched your limbs and grunted. You were prepared to leave. As you made a move to open the door behind Solomon, you were stopped by him grabbing onto your wrist. Your eyes flickered over to him.

Your eyes locked. A sigh escaped your lips. "Solomon, I said it's fine. You're free to go and read it."

"That's not it." Your brow rose at his response. He paused for a few moments, hold not loosening.

You stood there patiently. Then it seems that he was ready to speak.

"I'm going through with it."

You knew exactly what he was referring to. And you didn't approve.

"Solomon, if you're doing this for him and I, then you should stop it while it's early." You strongly advised. "You're only wasting your time."

"Then what if I said that I'm doing this for neither of you?"

"...Then for who or what are you doing this for?"

"Me." He answered confidently. "I know you're a good person, (M/n). You don't deserve all of this. That's why I'm insisting."

"...You're quite persistent." You commented with a deadpan. "...Though I suppose I can't really do much to stop you."

His face brightened. You gave in!...kinda.

"Adding in a few information, I was previously like this at first too, enduring all the misfortune. Then I learned how to distribute it to others." You paused. "By doing this, I temporarily become at peace. That's why I kept doing it. Quite selfish, huh?"

A sad smile was visible on your face. Crossing your arms, you leaned your back against the wall. "<><>< traced all the bad luck back to me and sealed away my ability to do that for a while. So I had to endure it all again."

Luck!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang