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"Fuck no. We ain't doin this again!"

Mammon barged in the room as you cried out in pure agony. Asmodeus had been clinging onto you ever since the ball that had commenced a few hours ago.

This time around, Mammon had dragged Satan along with him. Surprisingly, the blond didn't have much qualms against it.

"Asmo, get away from him!" Mammon ran to your side and began pulling you by the shoulder. Asmo retaliated by doing the same to your other side, frowning at his brother. "Excuse me, can you please mind your business? I got here first."

The two began arguing. Satan shook his head in disdain. He turned to you directly. He took hold of your hand. "Whatever. (M/n), let's go. I have more to ask about the shelf in your room."

He attempted to tug you up, but the grip on your shoulders kept you in place. Mammon growled as Asmo frowned immensely. "Stay out of this!"

Satan flinched in shock, only to grow angry. "Haa? You think you can say that to me--!"

The fight grew bigger with Satan joining in. His hold on your hand tightened, making you cry out silently. Simeon peeked inside along with Yuki. "What's with all the noise?"

You stood in the middle, looking nervous. You turned to the new comers with a smile. You transformed into a cat and tried sprinting to Simeon, only for Mammon to pick you up by the scruff.

He carried you, trying to run away, only for Asmo to grab a tuft of his hair and drag him down. He grunted as he fell backwards.

You turned back to normal, landing on top of Mammon. Both of you grunted. A creak was heard. Your ears perked up, turning your head to the source of the sound.

A cabinet was about to fall on you two. With a gulp, your foot sprang to block the falling furniture. Both you and Mammon sighed in relief. You stood up, dusting your clothes. "Alright, I'm leaving! Go argue and shit. Leave me out!"

"W-wait! I was only--!"

"Ugh, this is your fault!"

"My fault?! You were the one who kept clingin' to him!"

"Argh! I've had enough of your attitude!" Mammon whacked Asmo with a pillow. The champagne-haired male let out a huff before smacking him with another pillow in retaliation.

Mammon tripped on a blanked under him, sliding backwards and taking Satan along with him. As the blond grunted, Asmo threw a pillow and managed to hit him square in the face.

"Things are only going to escalate if nobody stops them..." Simeon sighed. Solomon poked his head from behind him. "Then why don't you stop them, Simeon?"

Satan stood there in silence. Then a furious expression crossed his face. "THAT'S IT. I'M GOING TO KILL BOTH OF YOU!"

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