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"I can endure all of that. I will if it's for you,

...(M/n)." Her smile shone brightly.

Yuki woke up. Her heart was beating fast as her eyes were tearing up. She wiped them. There it was again.

The girl who kept appearing in her dreams.

Yet for some reason, Yuki could never remember her face, nor the entirety of her dreams.

Just bits and pieces.

But now, a name was given.

"(M/n)..." Yuki repeated. Did you have some sort of relation to this woman?


Lucifer didn't arrive at your room for today. You assumed it was due to yesterday's fiasco. Your eyes flew to your bandaged arm.

This wasn't really out of the ordinary.

As you got dressed, you forgot your phone on the counter of your bathroom. Eyeing the stack of books in the corner that had fallen over, you felt the need to organize them.

And so you did, not knowing the time.

Only when Mammon had barged into your room, did you notice that breakfast had been ready for a while now.

"... Oh, you're alive!"

"What? Did you think I got swallowed by my bed or something?" You dusted your pants off and stood up. "...Right. I'll go down."

You neatly placed a batch of books by the table. Mammon didn't leave, meaning he would be accompanying you down. You took your phone from the bathroom.

"Alright." You nodded towards the male and gestured for him to go out. You did the same, locking the door behind you.

"How's everything downstairs?" You made small talk as you walked alongside the second born. Mammon sharply inhaled. "Well... Not so good...?"

"What does that mean?" Mammon shook his head, signaling that you should just see for yourself.

Arriving at the dining room, the aura was awkward. Everyone refused to speak. The atmosphere was tense.

At the sound of your and Mammon's arrival, eyes were immediately trained onto you both. You waved lazily. "Morning."

You took your usual seat by Mammon and Yuki. It was only after you began eating did they follow in suit.

You sweat dropped. Man, the tense air was suffocating you...

Nothing but the sound of silverware clinking was heard. You couldn't help the loud sigh that escaped your lips.

"You guys keep acting like someone died last night. Lighten up a bit, will ya?"

"I see you're quite unbothered, (M/n)." Satan stared at you blankly. You continued eating nonchalantly. "Probably because I am."

"The tense atmosphere is getting on my nerves."

"He's right!" Asmodeus chirped. "Normally everyone's so happy and full of energy at breakfast. But things are sooo tense today!"

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