Chapter |26

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"It's a girl, you both are going to be having a baby girl". I hear the doctor say. I turn to Ace with a broad smile on my face and glistening eyes.

"I told you it was going to be a girl" He says out loud before whispering in my ear; "I know what I put deep inside you".
I stop myself from blushing so the doctor doesn't suspect that he just told me something sexual.

"Doctor how are both of them doing, Is everything okay?" I hear Ace ask.

"Don't be worried, they are both healthy. I'll just prescribe more vitamins for her to take..."


"Hey, are you okay?". I hear Anna ask.

"Yes. I was just thinking of the day I and Ace found out that our baby is a girl. The memory just keeps coming back to me"

"It's normal. It happened to me too when I found out Andrew's gender. I was so excited to start shopping. I just couldn't wait"

"That's exactly how I'm feeling now."

"Have you called Emma to know if she has woken up yet"

"I called her before you came and she said she was taking her bath. I just hope she was really taking her bath"

I pick up my phone and dial Emma. The phone rings for a few seconds before she answers;

"Emma please don't tell me you are still sleeping"

"Bitch I'm fully dressed, I was just dabbing a little foundation on my face. Where are you guys now?"

"We are almost close to your house. We should be outside your house in the next 10 minutes."

"Ok, I'll be done before then"
I hang up.

"What did she say?"

"She's done dressing."


"Remind me again why drew isn't here with us"

"Come on Mia, this is your thing. We all need to give our attention to you. After all we are going to be aunts soon. Besides if Andrew were here, he would constantly nag and make me uncomfortable that I would have to leave. Apparently he hates shopping.
So I rather he stays with Ace. He's his favorite uncle after all"

"As you say"

We arrive at Emma's apartment and see her just locking her door. She smiles when she sees us. When she enters the car and we start moving, I decide to tease her.

"Emma you made me proud today. I can't believe you weren't late"

"How dare you, this is the day I go shopping for my niece and child as an aunt and as a godmother. Of course I wouldn't be late. It's for my little pumpkin in there, Not for you. So please keep your jealousy to yourself"
She says while trying to keep a serious face.

I burst out laughing at how she involved me. She has always had a sharp mouth.
We all discussed about a lot of things. 15 minutes later we arrived at the mall.

I wanted to buy everything. Not that I couldn't but my baby will outgrow it. I   selected a lot of baby clothes just cause I couldn't make a choice.

"Aww look at this". I say as my eyes catches the attention of a little pink onesie with "I love my momma" written on it.

"It's cute"
I hear Emma say.


"I'm definitely buying it".
I put it among the large stack of clothes I had already selected the same way.
We end up buying more clothes than needed with a few "aww" and "oh my gosh I love this".

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