Chapter |29

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"Get up. Get the fuck up". I hear someone say before I feel myself being shaken.

I open my eyes to see one of the goons who gave me food earlier.

"What do you want from me now."

"The boss is here. He wants to see you now So move it. And don't try anything stupid, or I'll shoot".

He grabs hold of my arm and drags me out of the dark room. We move out to a staircase as the stench of blood reduces. Which I'm grateful for. I was beginning to feel nauseous.

The big guy pulls me up a flight of stairs, not caring if I could keep up with him. I stumble on one of the stairs and almost lost my footing.

"Hey take it easy. I'm pregnant".

"Move". He ignores me and keeps pulling me up the un-ending flight of stairs. Finally we got to the end and I heaved a sigh of relief. But not for long as he pulls me down a hallway, to a door. It was the only door in that floor. He knocks on the door and I hear a gruff "come in".

I'm sure that's the boss who ordered my kidnap.
The big guy pushes the door to reveal and office. I spot a chair but it wasn't faced towards me, it was facing the window.

"Boss here she is".

"Leave us alone". The identity (as I would call him) sitting on the chair says and the big guy leaves the office. I guess it's just the two of us now.

The chair turns and I see a man smiling at me. What the heck is with him. Not only does he kidnap me, he thinks it's cool to have his little moment. Who is he anyways.

"Hmm you look better in person than in pictures."

He stands up from his chair and starts walking towards me. I stand my ground. I won't let him intimidate me. He stands in front of me and starts rubbing my cheeks. I shift back slightly from him. Creep.

"Look who we have here."

"Don't fucking touch me". I say as I push his hands away.

"Tsk tsk tsk, my princess don't do that. Don't push my hands away. You are now mine after all and I can touch you can't I?"

What is he saying. This man is a complete nut case.

"You have seriously lost it"

I feel a hand land on my face in a slap.
The sting clear on my face.

"Don't disrespect me. I am only letting you go today because I'm happy that I finally have you exactly where I want you and now getting other things would be easier for me"

"What do you want from me. I don't even know who you are. What could you possibly want"

I rub my stinging cheeks while the bastard smiles at me. Asshole.

"You know, I didn't want to hurt you, but you just can't keep a reign on that tongue of yours".

He walks back to his table and picks up a cigarette and a lighter. He lights his cigarette and inhales deeply before puffing out the air.

"What do you want from me. Answer me"

"Aww sweetheart, don't get all worked up over nothing. Let's just say I desire everything that that little boyfriend of yours; what's his name. Yes, Acey has. And you happen to be among those things"

"Why would you want anything from Ace. I mean you literally have everything, you have men that run around kidnapping women on your command from another country!. So what more do you need"

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