Chapter |33

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"How do I look?".
I stare at myself in the mirror.

"Basically the same but with a glow"
Emma says.

"You are so annoying Emma"

"I know at least I'm not the one who looks like a bloated whale"
I gasp playfully at her, pretending to be angry.

"How dare you. Don't worry, you'll soon have your own baby and I promise I'll remind you every day of the close resemblance between you and a whale"

I see her role her eyes at me. She walks up to me and wraps her arms around me from the back.

"Bitch you look absolutely gorgeous. Ace will wish you were back home with him this past month. I'm sure he's counting the minutes until he sees you. You are one lucky bitch."

She says as she places a kiss on my right cheek.
I feel my eyes water as tears slowly roll down my cheeks.
Emma is honestly the best friend anyone in the world could ask for.

"Hey hey please don't cry. You sound like a dying whale when you cry. Oh my poor ears"

I see a smile slowly creep onto my mouth.
See she knows how to make me feel better even though I'm practically crying.

"You don't need to cry today because you need to look your best for Ace to absolutely drool over you. Yee! I'm so excited for you. Now come on sit let's do your makeup. Ace must be waiting"

"Remind me again why I'm wearing makeup for a doctors appointment"

"Gladly. Well dumbass, you are seeing Ace today. Ace. After like what, a month. So you have to look your best. Make him long for you"

"Emma we shouldn't. He has already gone a whole month without talking to or seeing me. He must miss be badly."

"Ugh shut up and let me do my thing"

I sit down while she applies makeup on my face. I honestly couldn't wait to see Ace. I see myself smiling in the mirror. That's what I've been doing since I called Ace to tell him I had a doctors appointment and he should be there.

"All done". Emma distracts me from my deep thought.
"Now get out of this house. I don't want to see you".

"Yes ma'am". I pick up my handbag and stare at myself in the mirror one last time. I was in my sixth month of pregnancy so my bump was large and visible.
I rub my tummy and I felt my baby kicking in excitement.

"Yes love, we would be seeing Daddy today. I'm also excited to meet him. I missed him so much and I know you do too."

I walk out of the room with an annoyed Emma walking behind me.

"I'm going already. Please stop being a mom"

"Shut up and leave. You will keep him waiting".

"Goodbye Mwah. I love you". I say as I place a kiss on her cheek.


I walk out to see the driver Ace sent to pick me already parked outside Emma's house.

I get into the car and he begins to drive.

My mind begins to wander. What would Ace look like now. Blake told me he started keeping his beards. I wonder what he looks like with them.

"We are here ma'am". The driver distracts me from my thoughts.

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