Chapter |31

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The six hour flight to Italy was a complete torture. I just wanted to teleport myself there immediately and hold Mia in my arms. I wanted to take her away from the bad guys.

On our way to Italy, leo was able to find out that it was the bastard brother of mine; Andrea who took Mia.
I was wondering when he was going to show his pretty face and it seems he has.

No one would dare do this except Andrea. He is a scheming bastard and I promise him that if a single part of Mia's body is hurt, I'll hurt him badly and then skin him alive. Oh, a whole lot of thoughts on how I'll finish him off is present in my head.

But for now I focus on Mia. We are on our way to the house he has kept Mia captive. According to sources, he thinks I won't find out where they are. That's very low of him to think I wouldn't do anything to find and make sure my Mia and our baby is safe.

I turn to my men who are in the car with me and begin to speak.
"I want you all to make sure Mia comes back unharmed. Therefore you will be with me".

"Blake you will lead the others. I want every single thing, dead or alive to be brought back to the base here".

"Don't hesitate to kill anyone in your way. Now get yourself prepared".

When we get to the sham of a house, I order my men to start firing bullets in the air so they all panic and try to escape, then it will be super easy for us yo infiltrate the place because they will all be shocked that I found them.

As thought, they all started trying to escape but they can't. I made sure that my men surrounded the whole building. So even if they try, they will still fall into my hands including my airheaded brother.

We broke in through the gates and the first person I spotted was Mia. She was holding a gun to Andrea who was too shocked to do anything, while probably trying to escape. She was bruised all over her body, especially her face.

She must have seen my men and let out a broad smile from joy that I was here to save her.

"Mia!" I called out to her but before she could turn some fucker hit her across the head with his gun. I run to her immediately as she slowly loses her consciousness.

"Mia. fuck!." I take her head and notice something wet touching my hands. I remove my hands to see blood. Shit. Her eyes slowly close shut as she finally blacked out.

"No no my love stay with me. Please". I whisper as I take her in my arms.

I hear a gun shot beside me and I look up to see the mans lifeless body dropping down to the floor with blood sipping from a hole in his forehead.
I turn to Blake who had concern written on his face for Mia.

"I am taking her back to the hospital so she can be treated. Make sure no one leaves her alive. But bring Andrea to me alive."

"I'll do as you say". He nods before leaving. I know that look in Blake's eyes, he was definitely going to shed a lot of blood. I saw anger in his eyes after he saw Mia's condition.

I take Mia to the car and instruct the driver where to take us. I pick up my phone and call our personal doctor so he gets himself prepared.


"Not now. Mia is badly injured and we are on our way to your hospital. Mia was hit across the head with a gun and she's unconscious. She's pregnant and I don't think this is good for both their health"
He asks me few other questions before I cut the call.

"Drive faster. Wtf!"
I shout on the driver. I was begging to loose my mind just sitting here with Mia unconscious in my Arms.

Fortunately we get to the hospital fifteen minutes later and I run into the hospital carrying Mia in. The nurses bring a stretcher where she is put on and they begin to push her into the theater.

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