Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

        Jay had flat-lined twice trying to bring him back, he was alive and breathing when I last saw him, but they rushed him into surgery to drain his lungs that had filled up with fluid. I haven't heard anything about any updates and the nurses are starting to worry about my health as well, as I stumble into walls and can't recall what I did yesterday. They beg me to go home and rest, but if there's no Jay then there isn't a place that's really home. And maybe that's what home is all about, it's not where you live or how big of a place you live in. It's the people beside you that bring the word into play. Without them, the house is just a building and nothing feels right like it did when they came home and would lay with you, or tickle you till you couldn't breathe. The way you run around the house sharing endless memories or the late night talks you have in bed or in the living room where time just seems to get away as you plan your future. Jay is my home, his arms around me are my shelter and his beating heart pounding in my ear as I hug him tight is the reason why I go on, it's an unspoken love and connection, because i've always known as long as I heard that familiar thump in my ear then everything was going to be ok.

How can mine continue to beat if the one it's meant to beat for, isn't beating with mine?

I go up to the nursery floor to see all the new babies every day that are born, it gives me comfort that the next time Jay and I are in the hospital it will be because our baby will be wrapped up in a blue or pink blanket as we wait to take him or her home. I picture his arms around my waist as I lean my head back against his shoulder and just smile together in blissful silence. I stay for a total of a half hour and hit the elevator back down to the ICU. Yet a floor before my stop, a young man that's about nineteen with wrapped ribs and an IV strolling behind him comes in. He looks down at me and gives me a friendly smile before he hits the lobby button and the doors close. I feel his gaze on me and can't help but shift uncomfortably, I steal a glance at him and his eyes light up.

"You're Shaylee, aren't you?" I look up at him confused from lack of sleep and fear that i'm trapped in an elevator with some strange person who apparently knows me.

"Why do you ask?" I managed to shake out.

"You're Jays girlfriend, oh my gosh how is he doing! I've been dying to see him but they wouldn't let me since i've been in a pretty banged up shape but I was going to see him right after I went down to the gift shop."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" The elevator doors open up to the ICU and i'm rushing to get out as the familiar scenary comes into view and calms my beating heart.

"I told Jay to show you a picture of my handsome self to you, I was trying to steal you from him." He snaps his finger and smiles and there's something about his smile that calms me down.

"I'm James, Jay was my mentor. I was with him when the whole accident happened."

My heart stops as I realize he is the same James that pushed Jay out of the way and literally took a bullet from him. For some reason I can't help myself and pull him into a hug. Not oo hard though since I can see his ribs are wrapped.

"Guess he didn't need to show you my picture anyway, looks like i've stolen you with my charming good looks in less than five minutes." He laughs and so do I, before his eyes take a on a serious level and meet my gaze.

"How is he? He didn't look too good when I saw him last."

"He's been up and down, was stable for a bit but he flat-lined twice and they just took him into emergency surgery because his lungs filled up with fluid." I swallow the knot in my throat as I try to keep eye contact. He curses under his breathe as he looks away thinking hard.

"He's a strong guy Shaylee, he will pull through this because if anyone was to it would be him."

We walk towards Jay's room as I find a nurse and ask if there is any update.

"Excuse me, is there any update on the guy in his room?" I ask the red head at the counter who looks up his chart and smiles at me.

"He will be coming out of surgery very shortly and all went well, they rechecked his wounds and they seem to be healing nicely, they're also going to slowly bring him back from his medical induced coma. You can wait in the waiting room and i'll call you back when they get him all settled."

Tears finally spring to my eyes as I realize this is the first good news since i've been here, Jay may actually be able to pull out of this with no serious damage. I feel James squeeze my shoulder lightly as he smiles at me and leads me to the waiting room. I can't sit though and end up just pacing as I wait to be called back. After twenty minutes of waiting the red head finally comes back and calls us back as she makes an exception for James.

I'm rushing past all the rooms as I see the final doctors come out and give me a full update on his recovery and how they believe he will be out of ICU within a couple days to a week if all goes well. They think once they slowly take him off the medication that has put him in the coma that he should be alert in a day or two as well but still will be groggy and visiting hours may be cut short as he needs his rest most now, I thank the doctors several times as I see Jay laying in his bed, he's gained color in his face again and I can't help but forget about James and rush over to greet him.

"Don't scare me like that again, because no matter how hard you try you're stuck with me. I love you Jay, more than you'll ever know." I whisper in his ear as I press my lips softly to his and lay my head on his chest. Feeling the familiar thump in my ear, I'm home and here to stay.


Hey guys, I know it's been awhile and this update may suck but i'm leaving soon and I just wanted to update quickly. It will get better so don't worry. Thank you guys for all the support!! Also I didn't reread this so sorry if there's things misspelled or stuff like that


      Midnight_Writer97 :)

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