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Groaning I turned over, arm coming to rest above my eyes, blocking out the sun shining through the windows. I didn't sit up, knowing the rush of a hangover would take over my body- death basically.

I moved my arm slightly, eyes peeking out of a gap. Still at JJ's. I frowned, the movement causing an ache to take over my head.

"Fuck me," I mumbled to myself, removing my arm and rubbing my face with my hands, fingers tugging at the ends of my hair gently.

The living room seemed to be empty, no other noises filling the space. It was a mess, from what I'd seen; empty cans and cups everywhere. Shoes and items of clothing discarded over every surface.

I patted around for my phone, the glass back being cold against my flushed skin.

The brightness was down, the phone on the verge of death also- notifications clearly filling the screen through.

where are you?

you want picking up?

I sighed, so the two had obviously left me, who knows when in the night.

yeah mate, JJ's

give me 10

Groaning once more, I lifted myself into a sitting position, elbows resting on my knees with my head falling into my hands. I rubbed my eyes, a pounding in my head taking over all senses.

A door squeaked open, a set of what I assumed was heels clicking their way into the room.

"Rough?" Faith laughed, walking towards the tap to grab a glass of water.

"You have no idea," I huffed, standing and beginning to attempt to find my trainers. I found myself stumbling, the alcohol id consumed only hours ago clearly still affecting me.

"Where's Behz?" I asked her, her body leaning against the counter with an amused smile on her lips. She held the glass in her hand.

"Still asleep," she started, taking a swig from the cup, "we stayed in the spare room."

I nodded, sitting by the wall to put on my shoes that i'd found by the door.

"That Millie girl's nice," she spoke after a few moments in silence. My eyes snapped to her. Millie?

"Millie?" I asked her. I don't even remember drinking that much- somehow forgot that she'd turned up apparently.

"Yeah," she nodded, "brunette, tall, annoyingly pretty."

So she had turned up, I just clearly couldn't remember. My eyes must've grown wide because Faith then looked at me with a concerned look.

"You alright?" I just nodded, looking down at my phone to see that Lux had arrived.

"Lux is here so I best be off," I mumbled, Faith nodded, giving me a small wave as I was off out the door.


"You look like shit," Lux commented as I slammed the door shut.

I gave him a tight lipped smile, "yeah, cheers mate."

He laughed, beginning to drive towards our own flat. I rested my head against the window, hood of my jumper pulled over my eyes.

"Did Millie turn up?" I asked him, the boy shuffling in his seat before replying with a 'mhm'. "I don't remember even seeing her."

"You had a full conversation with her Bog," He mused, "And if i'm not mistaken, I saw you both hug it out."

I removed the hood from my eyes, giving him a glance. "Really?"

I hadn't expected to see the girl again, definitely not this soon anyway. And I definitely hadn't expected to be told we 'hugged it out', assumed she still wanted nothing to do with me.

"Looked pretty friendly to me," He continued. I shrugged, leaning back against the window again.

"Probably just a one off. She'll have forgotten too."


𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪- 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙡𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now