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"I mean he sounded sincere enough," I mumbled to Freya later than night, the two of us having left the party.

Harry and I had left his bedroom a short while after, the two of us just enjoying each other's company after so long. He'd apologised again, multiple times, and once again as we said our goodbyes, the boy noticeably more intoxicated at that point.

"He loves you Mil," she spoke, hands running through my hair. I laid across her lap, legs scrunched with my favourite blanket of hers sprawled across me. "I know he has some special ways of showing it, but I can see it. Even Josh still says so."

I felt myself shrug. "I told him we should just be friends," I told her. "Is that stupid?"

"Not at all," She assured me, and I could imagine her shaking her head at me. "You're protecting yourself, i'm proud of you for that."


Freya sighed, "Given your history, you could've easily taken him back in a heartbeat, but you're making sure he knows."

"Do you think we could be like we were?" I asked her. The blonde hummed, "I don't know. I just like to think that it could happen."

"Just don't force it," she said softly, "if it's meant to be, it'll happen."

"I guess so."

A silence took over us, Freya still playing with my hair.

"How's Finn?" She asked after a few moments. I smiled at the mention of my brother's name. I hadn't seen him in a while.

"We haven't actually spoken in a while," I told her. "I think he's busy with football, mum says he's good though."

I could picture her nodding, "You should get them all here for a visit soon. Miss your mum."

I laughed quietly. Everyone seemed to love her- especially the girls. And the boys immediately had taken a liking to Finlay the last time he was here with me.

"I should, I miss them both."

"I think that would be good for you," she said. "Some normality in your life."

"Where's my phone?" I asked, patting around. Freya handed it me from her bedside table.


what the fuck
are you doing awake

lux had a party

he's moving out

no shit

but where was
my invite tf?

i'll let him
know you're not impressed

anyway . when are
you and mum free?

my season ends
soon, probs 2 weeks ish?


fancy coming to london

if you're paying

of course

i'm asking you


i'll let you know when
my season ends tomorrow

that's fine

missing you both x

we miss you x


"They're going to come," I told her, even though she was more than likely reading my phone from behind me.

"Perfect. Miss little Finlay."

"It's so scary," I laughed, "he's so grown up now."

"Miss Watson made some good babies," Freya teased. "Blessed genes."

"Be quiet, as if you're not perfect."


𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪- 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙡𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now