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Millie had moved her stuff in, Ron (the cat) having already made himself back at home. She was using the spare room as more of a wardrobe, the girl falling asleep in my bed almost every night.

Which is where she was now, body sprawled out across my bed, hair looking wild with a shirt of mine covering her body. I smiled at the sight from being sat at my desk, cup of tea sitting in front of me- editing.

She'd been asleep for a few hours already, the bath she'd had seeming to have knocked her out.

My tea had gone cold though, I huffed, picking up the mug and walking out of the room quietly, cautious as to not wake her.

Cal was sat, well laying, on the sofa, Xbox controller in his hand, with Fifa playing on the screen. I nodded towards him when he glanced over.

"Alright?" He asked, diverging his attention back into the screen immediately. I hummed a small 'yeah' reboiling the kettle. "She asleep?"

"Yeah, been practically dead for hours," I spoke, humour in my tone. She'd always been on the lazier side, preferring the earlier nights, but then again hating the early mornings.

"Girl's never awake," he laughed, sticks of the controller flicking back and forth against the controller. I shook my head, a laugh tumbling from my lips.

"Swear to God," he spoke, sitting further up onto the sofa. "I don't know how you's ever get anything done, she's gone by 8."

"Nah she ain't that bad," I laughed, filling his my mug, "9 i'd say."

"At a push," he scoffed. "I came in the other night at 10 past 8 and she was snoring away."

Cal laughed at his own sentence, "I don't know whether she's like a 4 year old or an 80 year old."

"Both id say, she acts like both."

I laughed once more, before giving him a nod goodbye as I disappeared back into my bedroom with the fresh cup of tea. Millie stirred, sitting up with squinting eyes.

"Sorry," I whispered quickly, closing the door softly behind me. She gave me a lob sided smile, cheeks flushed red from the sleep. I placed the tea down, the girl waving me over before I sat down.

"You okay," I asked her, sitting down at the edge of the bed. She nodded against the pillow, hair still spread out. She patted the slight space next to her. "I'm not that small Mil."

She huffed, shoving up to the other end of the bed, so I pulled my shirt off, laying down. She hummed then, shuffling back over and placing most of her body on top of me, face snuggling into my neck.

"You're so warm," she whispered, breath hot against my neck, the hairs on my arms standing up at the feeling. "Like a radiator."

I laughed softly, twirling a strand of her hair between my thumb and finger, the girl sighing in appreciation.

"Nah, you're just like an icicle all the time," I teased, giving the girl a squeeze, pushing her closer to me. Millie hummed a laugh, pressing one single kiss to my neck.

"What time is it?" She asked me, blinking lazily, her eyelashes tickling my skin. I picked my phone up from the bedside table, the screen illuminating the space.

"12," I told her. Millie nodded, nails tickling the skin of my side. "Not that late."

"You're joking," she whispered in a scoff. "No wonder i'm so tired."

"Such a drama queen. Go back to sleep."

"I would but you keep talking to me," She huffed.

"You started the conversation-" I removed the hair I was playing with from my hands, cupping the back of her neck gently and pulling her from my neck. She looked at me confused, so I pulled her closer to my face, pressing a few kisses to her lips- still plump from the sleep.

"Go and sleep in the spare room then," She shook her head, hair falling in front of her face, so she placed a hand on my chest so keep her steady while she tucked it back behind her ears.

"I don't want to," She said, a whine in her tone. I shrugged, lips pecking her cheek before letting go of her neck.

"Sh then," I smiled, the girl smiling back, almost sarcastically at me.

"I thought you liked me talking," she spoke. I nodded, looking down at her manicured hands resting against my chest.

"I do," I told her, a hand tracing down her side, shirt bunched up to the top of her thighs. "When you're not complaining."

"Rude," she scoffed, dropping her head against my chest. I hummed a laugh, the girl tugging the duvet above our bodies.

"I'm joking, you know I love it really."


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