Chapter 12

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Carol's POV

Melissa was nearby, so she had rushed to me when she had seen what happened.

The people around turned to see what was going on especially since the person I had crashed into was swearing angrily saying something about how I'd ruin their expensive outfit.

"I'm so sorry." I said to them and was about to stand up when I noticed the more people who were starting and remembered that Nick might have or will most definitely see me. I ducked down to the ground, kneeling on my hands and knees.

My smart ass forgot about the glass.

"Carol! What do you think you're doing you'll hurt yourself!" Melissa said worriedly bending down to talk to me.

I felt the pain of the glass but right now I was worried about something else. "Wait. Do you see a guy with light blonde hair in a white shirt with a woman in a silver dress by the bar?" I asked her ignoring all the looks I was getting.

I was more worried about Nick seeing me and dealing with that. I moved away from the glass, giving way to a waitress who had come over to clean up the mess. I apologized to her and gave her an apologetic look.

"Haha, I think I had way to many drinks." I said trying to pull of someone who was really drunk.

Melissa had given her an apologetic smile of her own." What does that matter? Get up. You look crazy, kneeling like that." She said then tried pulling me up.

I resisted, "Now just have a look for me please are they...kissing?" I asked.

Once she realized and accepted that I wasn't about to move until I knew she finally did what I'd asked.

"No, they're not. They are actually looking this way- like almost everyone in the club. That's why you should get up let's go to the bathroom." She said, and I saw her give people awkward smiles saying things like "Sorry she's drunk." She even spoke to the guy I had bumped into somehow calming the whole situation down. I felt bad that She was involved in this awkward mess I'd made but what where friends for if they didn't drag you in situations like this?

I cursed. I wasn't completely sure if he'd seen me or was just curious like everyone else at what was going on.

"Okay. You lead the way to the bathroom I'll follow." I told her, still on my hands and knees. My right wrist stung and I didn't even want to look at it knowing I was bleeding.

"Serious what's going on-" She started "Melissa please just go with it."I said looking at her pleasingly, and she sighed saying "Okay, let's go." she said then started walking

I crawled after her. I bit my lip out of embarrassment but crawled away. The fact that I would rather do all this and deal with all the stares than let Nick see me, wow was the only word I had from myself.

We made it to the bathroom and I immediately got up and brushed my knees. I went to the sinks and opened the warm water putting my left wrist under. It didn't look that bad just a small cut, the only think that really got wounded tonight was my pride.

"You're crazy, crawling all the way here. What was that even about?" Melissa said handing me some cotton pads from her purse and looked like she was still looking for something in there.

There were a few women in the bathroom who gave us curious looks but said nothing.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to her first then started explaining while trying to take care of my cut. I examined it, and luckily It looked like I didn't get glass in it, I think, but it still hurt.

"Okay, so you remember that friend I told you about the other day? The one in the fake relationship?"

She nodded .

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