Chapter 14

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Nick's POV

After loading the car I got in surprised to find Carol asleep. I had just taken 2 minutes to put her suitcase in the boot. How did she fall asleep that fast?

"She looked like she needed some rest. It seemed like something was bothering her." Freddy said after starting the car and driving.

I looked at her sleeping form. This was the second time I've seen her sleeping and she still looked alluring as she did the first time.

She wore a black Hoodie with matching sweatpants and had thick pink socks on and gray crocs. I was just joking earlier when I had said she looked terrible, I just wanted to start our trip on a light note, but she wasn't having it.

Despite the bags under her eyes she and her wearing the most basic clothing ever I still she was beautiful.

Freddy had put on some light Christmas music and I started getting lost in thought.

Was there any chance she'd heard Delilah over the phone last night? Even if she did why would that bother her? That can't be it.

I think she's just nervous about officially introducing me to her family making our whole agreement and relationship, real.

Freddy drove over a speed bump and Carol's head had 'thumbed' against the window making her groan softly. I moved near her and placed my arm around her to pull towards me, putting her head on my lap and the rest of her body on the seat.

I slowly moved back to my side and gently moved her head to a position I thought looked more comfortable. One of her hands was on my lap and the other tucked in underneath her.

She sighed softly, her body seeming to appreciate the change of position. Her knees were bent to allow her feet to rest of the other side of the back seat.

I brushed her cheek, sighing and then looked outside the window. Right now we were driving on a highway on the way to Carol's family. She had sent me the address which I passed on to Freddy. Her parents lived miles outside the city, and it was a few hours drive to them.

From what Carol had told me on one of our phone calls earlier on, she mentioned her parents living in a fairly large house in the town and ran a few small businesses. 

"Keith." Carol suddenly said, still deep asleep. I looked down at her and her had furrowed eyebrows looking like she was thinking or dreaming about something bad.

Keith? I'd never heard her mention someone with that name. I wonder who that was. Also who was he that she'd mention him in her sleep?

I frowned both at the thought of this Keith guy and the fact that I cared.

I looked at Freddy to see if he had heard Carol sleep talk, but he was in his own world humming to the Christmas music and driving.

I leaned back signing. If it bothered me that much then I'll just ask her about it and find out later.


I tried distracting myself by watching some movies on my phone or playing some games, but I kept glancing at Carol to make sure she was comfortable and then thinking about how little I knew about her.

Again, who was Keith?

I shifted my body slowly trying to sit more comfortably which caused Carol to stir and then I sat very still watching her, worried I had woken her up.

A moment had passed before I began moving again and then Carol spoke.

"Can you stop moving."She said annoyed, her voice sounding horsey from waking and her eyes closed.

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