Chapter 19

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"So, what exactly do you want to happen here?" I asked my dad after he stopped in the middle of town, at a local park around some shops.

After an awkward short car ride, excluding my father's outstanding solo of 'Silent Night'. I stood right outside the park pulling my gown tighter around me. Yeah, that's right. I wasn't even dressed to be outside right now.

"Carol. Just give this a chance." My dad said standing besides me, sighing.

I looked around. I knew this place like the back of my hand. There where a few differences but most things still brought a wave of nostalgia.

"Give what a chance exactly?" I asked but  already knew the answer. My dad knew that as well and kept quiet. We stood there in science.

There were a few people around and a handful of kids. Alice was preoccupied with one. She always loved kids, we both did. I got a lot of memories just watching them and remembering how many times we'd beg to come here and play together especially with younger kids.

At some stage we had started a babysitter gig together. Wow, I'd forgotten or rather locked up all those memories.

"Soz I wasn't that far off when I said coming here would hopefully remind you guys how close you wore." He said giving me a reassuring smile as if trying to encourage me.

I bit back the apparent smile I'd been having and looked else where.

My dad placed a hand on my shoulder "Remember, forgiving someone doesn't make what they did right or mean you have to forget. But it does mean freeing yourself from the burden unforgiveness gives you." He said and left, probably giving me some space to think. And to talk to Alice too.

I sighed. And walked around going to the swings.

I sat on one and began swinging myself slowly, completely immersing myself in my thoughts.

I'd like to think that I'd forgiven Alice and Keith a long time ago, I mean. I never directly spoke to them or went completely crazy after that die. I like to think that giving them their space was forgiveness enough.

A few moments later Alice had sat a seat away from me swings at the same non-exsistent pace I was going.

"Since when did Dad get so philosophical." She spoke after a few moments of silence.

I didn't answer. Not wanting to acknowledge her arrival at all.

"Carol," She began "First, I want to apologise for Keith's behaviour yesterday. We both weren't sure how we'd act around you but I didn't think he'd step out of line like that so I'm sorry." she said and apparently had more to say.

While my pep talk with Dad was about forgiveness hers must've been about apologising.

"And-And" She took a deep breath and spoke, "I never really got the chance to apologise about what happened with Keith. I didn't mean to steal him from you, I-" I got up walking towards.

"Ah, so you admit you stole him from him? But that doesn't really matter he's his own person. Also I'm not having this conversation." I told her narrowing my eyes at her.

"You're completely right. But Carol, you're not being fair. At the time you were even complaing about your relationship saying that you weren't even sure you were even in love with him anymore." She 'defended'.

I laughed and turned around before turning back to her. "So, I gave you the green light then that you should go ahead and date MY boyfriend behind my back, huh?" I said rolling my eyes.

She got up this time. "Obviously not. I hate how things went but I didn't even know how I was suppose to tell my sister that I liked, hell potentially loved HER boyfriend." She said tears in her eyes.

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