Our new apartment

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"Welcome to me new apartment." I said opening the door to my tiny, but confy and humble home. The look in her eyes, my dear brothers, was unbelieveble. It even seemed as if I had given her a mansion.
"It's yours?"
"Just yours?!"
"No, Johnston, now it's yours too."
She jumped on me and kissed me. Oh my good and only friends, we even looked normal. Johnston ran inside the apartment and left her bag on the living room. Quiet fast, this lady of mine. She ran from room to room with the same look of amazement in her eyes. I guess she felt completly and finally free.
"Do you like it?" I asked humbly just to get a glimpse of her feelings and inner thoughts.
"It's absolutly splendid! I love it! I always lived with the devils, never lived alone. Never! Can you believe that Delarge?!"
"You aren't alone now. You have me. I'm stuck with you for a long time now, Johnston."
"And I wouldn't want it any other way." She said smiling.
She quickly moved into the bedroom and closed the door. I found it odd she would close the door, it's not like she'd have anything I haven't seen yet.
I looked to my side and saw her bag left on the floor of the room. I grabbed it and moved towars the bedroom.
"Hey, Johnston, you forgot your..."
She had taken her clothes off and was only wearing her underwear.
Five years since I've last seen her like that. Five years since I've seen anybody like that.
She was looking herself in the mirror and touching a new scar on her stomach.
"What?" She asked turning to my pale expression. "Is everything okay?" She asked laughing.
"Yes. Forgot your bag outside."
I got close to her and left the bag on the floor. I delicately touched her new scar. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply while bitting her lip.
"This one is new." I said brushing my fingers against it.
"Yeah I got shot. Went all the way in. I thought I was going to die. Thought it might have been the only chance I'd get to see you again. However, I survived. Just left me with this very ugly scar."
"Nothing about you is ugly."
"Delarge, stop touching me."
I put my arm around her hips and drew her closer.
"Because I really want to tell you about everything, but this way I might not be able to handle myself."
"You can tell me all about it later."
I kissed her. She kissed me back. That first stolen kiss progressed to more and more and more.

We were laying next to each other. I had me arm around her and she was laying her head on me shoulder.
"You look worried, Johnston."
"I made some friends during war. In Brazil, in Ireland and in Australia. I fear they might have not made it."
"Should I be jelous?" I wispered on her ear.
"No it was all very friendly." She answered gigling. " I just wanted to know if they were okay."
I kissed her forehead and held her more tightly.
"I'm sure their fine, love."
"Love?" She asked laughing.
"Yeah, love."
"Hum I think I like Johnston more. It's more exclusive."
"And what do you mean by that?"
"How many girl have you called love?"
I felt silent.
"Exactly. But I am your one and only Johnston. I like it that way." She said climbing on top of me and kissing me.
She put her head next to mine and whispered in me ear.
"Your walls are sad again."
"That's because I was waiting for you to come home and make them happy." I said abruptly turning and locking her under me body. I kissed her once again.
"Are you serious?"
"Absolutly. Even bought paint this time."
Her face lit up with a smile.
"Let me go Delarge. I have something I need to do now."
"Only if you give me a kiss."
"You are pathetic." She said laughing and kissed me.
I let her go. She quickly put on her clothes while leaving the room and a few moments later she was back with the paints, a pencil, some cardbords and a few brushes I bought on her hands. I didn't know how she found them, whereas she did.
Johnston quickly put the cardboards under the walls where she was going to work and looked at the walls for a minute. She then started drawing on each of the walls what she probably thought was the fitting drawings for the ocasion. And as if it was magic, my dear brothers, the images started to appear. On the wall over the bed she drew the same shadows that were on my last bedroom wall. On the other one, there was a huge world map with little flags where she probably had been. On the last wall, she drew the same bowhat with big eyelashes but with two eyes and a scar next to it.
"It's marvelous, Johnston."
"It will be when you help me paint it all." She said throwing a brush at me.
What a delightful evening it was, my dear friends, for we passed it painting the walls. At last when we had painted it all we both stopped to look at our work. Out of a sudden, she passed her dirty finger on me nose and left it white.
"You look pretty like that." She commented laughing.
I put my palm on the paint and on her stomach starting a little paint fight until we were both full of paint and she was in my arms.
My dear brothes, who absolutly stunning she was. It was undiscrible how I felt towards this little piece of sunshine I had in my arms. And involved in all that feeling I couldn't stop meself from saying it.
"Johnston, will you marry me?"
Her expretion changed to a completly surprised one. I must admit with that reaction I even got worried to what could possibly be her answer.
"Of course, I will, Delarge."

Writer's note:
Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this fic!! I love it so much! I hope you guys enjoy it as well. This was sort of a small chapter, just showing a little of their realtionship post war and of course leading to the marrige proposal!!! I still have a few chapter ideas, but indeed, this is getting close to the end :( I hope you liked this chapter and thanks for stiking with me to this day!!!!

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