A face to the name

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I had been listening about Alex Delarge for a long time, but I never seen a face to match the discription. All I knew about him was that he was a badass and he was the lider of Bully's gang. That was until I met him in real life.

He was kind of hot. He was tall and kept looking at my tatoo. That is what I like about it. It makes people distracted and failed since they hardly ever see what is written.

I hate to admit but he made a difference. When he wasn't there we would even beat Len and Ricky to the ground, but with Alex there tehy were stronger. I guess they felt safer and they had a lider, a real lider, and that made a diference.

Now it was the other day and there I was laying in bed thinking about a hot guy. Something I swore to myself I would never do again.

"Rebecca you will be late for school!"

With all you already heard you would be sure I would skip school and stuff, but I didn't. The thing is my parents didn't knew what I did and I didn't plan on them finding out. So I put my riddiculous uniforme on and hit the road. I was in high-school. A british first-class high school. In other words I was in hell. The day nearly started and I wanted it to end. I passed all the classes paying attention to the teacher as it was my day-a-day sacrifice to listen to those dumb-asses who thought they were so damn smart, just to make my parents happy and not even a bit suspicious. However, I have to admit, if you looked at my notebook that day you would see lots of drawings of a boy with a bow hat, a cut throut bravita and falsies.

The end of the day I took my usual way home, the only diference that day was

"Is that the same purpled haired bastard I saw yesterday with a cut-throut bravita and a tatoo?!"

Delarge. Bloody Alex Delarge.

"I am surprised, I thought that we were equals. The same side of coin. Oh I was wrong wasn't I? Why is this sexy lady all covered up?"

"For your information, we were never equals begining by the fact that I have something you lost long ago that starts with v"

He laughed synically. He was dressed like a normal person as well, but his eyes were cruel and seducive and his voice still sounded violent.

"Johnston you are a true lady, not a slut. I am surprised, I guess your parents don't even know you have a tatoo do they? They don't even know you have that little scar"

He came closer and passed his hand where I drew my face scar. His touch was light, making me want to fall in his arms, but it was also provoking as I wanted to kill him right in that spot.

"And I guess they are also not finding out"

I got away from his hand and kept walking. I could sense the smile on his face. That half smile. The one that made all other gangs fear, run away and tell stories about a bloke called Alex Delarge, who passed throught a cure of ultra-violence but was still the most cruel bloke around.

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