The Korova Milkbar

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If you walked in the Korova Milkbar that day, you would see me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, Len, Ricky and Bully. The Korova Milkbar sold, as you already know, milkplus, milkplus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom which was what we were having. I know my dear brothers, I swore on my soul I would go out looking for a lady for me to get married and adjust my manners, however I will not lie I tried I was out for one whole month, but I couldn't find one true lady to be envolved with and Your Humble Narator couldn't resist the smell of ultra-violence calling him. So there I was again with my droogs trying to make up rassoodocks what to do with the evening.
After some speechless minutes, we decided to wonder around finding something to inspire our minds. It was the first time I've been in the streets since the day I told you my dear and only friends that I was going to stop it all and I had to come back huge.
Our first target was a couple that came playful on the streets. Arg couples, they were all so cutie and lovely, they made me sick. I can't understand why I ever wanted to become one of them.
"Hi hi hi there my dear mates"
The both of them looked at us with a shadow of fear on their faces. I had my old cut-throught bravita on my shoulder, my regular outfit and bowl hat and of course my usual fake eyelashes on one of my eyes.
"How are you doing on this fine evening?"
Len left a small gigle out.
"Fine my good sir"
The man was the one that awnsered, while keeping the woman on his arms.
"Why do I see such terrified expression on thy faces?"
I said with a synicle smile on me lips. They just stood there like two statues, as much as I enjoyed this situation it had to stop some how.
The evil smile was still on my face as we chaces the merry couple into the dark roads of London. A few minutes later the man fell and the woman tried to help him, but it was too late. We had already reached them.
Then cam the usual, spank the man, in-out in-out love with the lady, take their wallets, hear as they cry and swear to us.
I hadn't felt so alive in month, oh my dear brothers. I was back.

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