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I still couldn't belive my eyes, my dear brothers, how could that strong woman be that sensible lady I met earlier. However, I would not let her keep my plans back.
I put on my outfit, my hat, my falsies, got my bravita and went to the milkbar feeling miraculously good.
After a few drinks, my droogs gave an excelent idea. There was this big house about fifteen minutes away from wher we were. You would always see the people who leaved there getting out with the biggest cars, and the biggest pearls. It would give us some real fun. My dear and only sane friends, you might think that you humble narator had learned that rich houses were not to be fulled with, but that didn't kept me from going to this house.
It was huge and had lots of lights. We did as usual, put on some horrible masks and just ring the doorbell.
"Hello? Anyone there?"
the voice was of a young woman, I could guess because of the ton she spoke.
"Miss could you give me some help? Me friend was hit by a running car and is terribly ingured can we get him some water and call an ambulance?"
"Um I... I don't know sir. I have to check with me parents"
"But miss he is really injured!"
"Okay I'll open the door"
I heard the lock opening, and me droogs came closer.
The door opened completly and we entered already making a full mess getting pass the girl. What we didn't expect though was that she had a little knife by the table. She cut Len and Ricky, but couldn't get me and Bully.
" You little bastard you have a knife! That won't save you deary"
"Alex Delarge?"
She knew who I was. That was a bit odd. I stiked the first blow with my bravita. She fell to the floor and I gave another hit. She stopped breathing.
"Hun what is happening there?"
A voice screamed from the floor above and my droogs left me with the body of the dead girl. That was when I realised. She was one of Johnstons droogs. It hit me as if one of my droogs were killed. She wasn't going to let this pass, she would come to me for revenge.
Great way to impress a girl, killing one of her friends.

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