Seeing the world

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Isn't that what all those comercials that are supposed to make you want to join the army say? Join us and see the world! More like see the part of the world that we want to kill and tore into pieces! After spending three years in Asia, I was selected to go to Brazil. Great. I went with a bunch of other soldiers.

When we got there they put me to patrol the streets. It was calm and actually kind of okay. I had had a lot of action in Asia and it was bloody enough for me.

Everything was fine for one whole year, until one day they decided we would attack the streets. The "logic" was that: as it was war everyone on their sane minds would be inside and the people on the streets would be either scum or outlaws. Meaning: it was an excuse to kill people and show how we are superior.

I still patroled the streets that day. I was supposed to be there until the troups came then I would join them. That was the plan. However, an hour before the troups came I was surrounded by a group of kids, that simply came out of nowhere and surrounded me. They were about 14 or 15. Not that younger than me. I, of course, raised my weapon, but they didn't seem that bothered really.

"Gringa gostosa. Acha que rola? Ela é pequenininha." One of the boys said holding a knife in his hands.

"Pode ser mas ela tá armada. Melhor espera o Frutti chega." Another one of them said. I didn't understand a word they were saying. I guess if I tried to speak they wouldn't understand either.

"O Frutti tá careta. Vai mandar ela ir embora ou pega ela sozinho."

"Cala boca, otário! Ele tá chegando!"

Coming from the beach, a boy that look around his 16 years came and stood behind the boys. He looked at me with a manicle smile that reminded me a lot of Delarge.

"Olha só o que vocês pegaram!" He said tapping the boy with the knife on his back. "Finalmente uma gringa da hora."

"Look you seem like the leader so do you understand me?" I said to the boy that got late.

"Que que ela disse, Frutti?" A boy that was tinnier than the others asked the leader who I supposed was Frutti.

"Yes I understand you." He said in a very, very strong accent, that I with some efford could understand.

"Where did you learn english?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"The strangers on the beaches. We hear them all the time."

"Okay. Now would you kindly go away or I'll shoot one of you."

He smiled. The other boys kept looking at the two of us waiting for something to happen. Poor things. Didn't get a word we were saying.

"Look here, Gringa, you won't shoot us. You are from the military. You have rules. So you will simply put your gun down and let us do our stuff."

He had violence in his eyes. And I was pretty sure I knew what "stuff" meant. The streets might change but in the end the gangs all what the same thing. Just like when I met Delarge. He also meant to do "stuff" with me. We came around to it, but in a different cenario. I laughed at him. They got the wrong soldier. I through my weapon on the ground and they all seemed very pleased.

"The point that you got wrong my friend is that I don't have rules. Back at my country I had a gang just like yours and let's just say I don't need a gun to make you all stand back."

I went first for the tiny boy in the circle who didn't understand what I was saying. He seemed pretty shocked when I hit him. I moved on the the other boys. Can't say it was easy, but I managed to take them to the ground. The only one left standing was the Frutti fellow. I grabbed his arms behind his back and held him.

"The rest of you. Run."

They did. I grabbed my gun and went to the deposit I was supposed to take any inocents I found.

"Why are you taking me?!" He screamed and I pushed him into the large building.

"Puta Merda!" He screamed as he hit the floor.

"I am saving you life so shut up."

"How are you saving my life?!"

"There are armed troups who are coming to shoot everyone on the streets right now and if I left you there you would be no exeption."

"We have to tell my gang!"

"They will be on the beach they will probably be safe! I couldn't drag all of you in here."

He smiled as darkly as he could and looked back at me getting up.

"So you picked the cutest one to fuck."

"Ha! No. Sit down kid and pray that there is no one around here."

I sat by one of the walls and he came and sat next to me.

"Where are you from?" He asked as we both looked ahead.

"England. London to be more precise."

"Wow far from home aren't you, Gringa?"


"And who is the lucky guy there?"

"How do you know there is one?"

"You refused to sleep with me."

I laughed and looked at him. He looked way too young to be doing this. But then again, both me and Delarge started that age.

"His name is Alex Delarge. I met him in a situation very much like ours."


"Sorry! I met him just like I met you. We both had gangs and our gangs met."

"Oh! Lucky guy. Is he hot like you?"

"Yeah he is."

We staied silent for a while. Then we heard the first shots. They were pretty far.

"Shouldn't you be there?" He asked in a tiny voice.

"I should, but I don't really want to."

"Well, that is why people join the army."

"I joined the army because my parents forced me to. They found out what I did and they put me in."

"Well at least you have parents."

"I wish I didn't"

"No you don't." He breathed deeply. "I don't have parents and I wish everyday that I had."

"It is like I didn't have parents. He didn't care about me. They only cared about themselves. I was depressed and they didn't even notice. Then I was bringing my boyfriend home everyday and they didn't even notice. I had a tatoo and many many scars, but they were way to busy with their parties and fancy clothes to notice what was happening."

"I'm sorry for you." He said sounding very sincere.


Then we heard more shots past us.

"Looks like we can get out now." I said getting up.

"Can you stay a little bit longer?"

"Sure why?"

"I want to show you what it is like to have a real family."

I smiled and sat down again.

A few hours later the place that we were in was crowded with young boys. They all seemed to respect Frutti and were rather happy with me being there.

They asked me about the army, and about England, and about how it was to have a gang there. I gladly told them. Of course, I had Frutti and another english speaking guy translating it for me. I even told them about Delarge. They all seemed facinated by him. As they should be.

Later when it was already night I said I had to go. They all thanked me for my stay and asked if I would go back. I said that I didn't know if I would still be here tommorow, but that if I were I surly would. I said my farewells and went back to my base.

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