Better hopes for the future

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The same night Johnston went away I met me droogs again. They could all see I wasn't fine as always. I told them what happened and all of then seemed to change. They gave me a pat in the back and asked me if I rather go home. I said I did.

On me way home I passed by Johnston droogs. They didn't ask or say anything, they just stared at me with deep sad eyes. I didn't like this. I hate being vunerable and hate people seeing that I am vunerable. In that moment I bacame angry with everything. Angry with me droogs who almost killed me girlfriend. Angry at her parents that sent her away from me. Angry at Tyler who left her with scars forever. Angry at our nation for entering in some stupid war. Angry at her for not staying. Angry at me for not doing nothing. For not going there and staying with her, for not keeping her by my side, for not giving me life to save her's. I burst in tears for the first time in long, long years. I was completly broken and ruined. The universe took the one thing that I loved and ripped apart from me.

The tears had already dried on me cheeks when Tyler appeared by the corner of the road.

"Alex Delarge! Man I heard the news! She is gone! We can go back to our buisness being only ours!"

I couldn't resist, I throught meself foward and hit Tyler with all the strenth that I had. Some moments passed and his droogs took me away from him.

"I saw what you did to her you son of a bitch! I saw the permanent scars that a selfish british boy gave to her and she will always carry around like a bourdon!"

"Hey hey hey no need to shout. Look I just wanted to say that I am sorry and that I understand your position."

Tears of hate were now coming to me eyes. They aperrently saw it and dropped me on the floor.

"You know nothing about me position. Nothing."

They simply looked at me with that horrible pitty in their eyes. The madness tears came down heavly now.

"Stop looking at me like that! I am not defenceless and I don't need pitty!"

They kept staring at me. I got up from my knees and standed face to face with Tyler.

"She was the one that needed pitty and what did you do?! You left her with scars so now don't try being a normal human and feeling sorry for me, because you are not."

I turned and simply walked away. They didn't try to stop me, or start a fight, they just let me go. Part of me was extremily mad at them for not putting up a fight because they could see I was broken. However other part of me knew that I couldn't handle a fight and thanked them for not putting up one.

My dear brothers, the war took five years until the alliance between the US and England won. Those were difficult five years. Every night I went to sleep thinking if Johnston was still alive. I usually had nightmares seeing her die right infront of me eyes, either she was shoot or was too near to a bomb and exploded with it, and I couldn't do nothing about it to save her.

One day I saw a big poster on one of the London underground walls after the war ended saying that the soldiers would come back the day after that. All the hope and happiness that had left me those five years came back as I saw the posters.

I woke the other day as early as I could, put on me clothes and left. I was by the point the cars would arrive before anyone else. I waited for long until the cars came. I waited a long time again when all people were getting out and I didn't see Johnston coming. I had already lost hopes and was turning to leave when I heard someone shout.


I turned with a smile on me face.


She looked at me not quiet believing what she saw.


She left her bag on the floor and came running toward me. She jumped to hug me. We kissed fiercily. In that second our body became one and you wouldn't know what was what. When she looked at me she had tears in her eyes and a new scar that started on her forehead and ended in the middle of her cheek. This one was real, different from the other. It didn't make her ugly though. It gave her a new charm. And at the same time gave her the old charm of the drawn scar. Her hair was really short and blond and the only different color was the black piece.

"Your hair is short."

"Yeah they made me shave several times. And shaving all the colors went away. I just didn't let them shave the black one."

I reached for my hair and got the black piece out. She smiled between the tears. The still beautiful smile that now made her scar smaller.

"I thought you were not going to come. I thought you had forgetten about me."

"I would never forget about you. I love you Johnston."

"I love you too Delarge."

We kissed again. She ran and grabbed her bag quickly coming back. We walked away. Me hugging her and she telling me all the adventures she had in the army. We were happy then. We are going to be happy.

Forever and always.

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