The future and the past

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"He really is a fucking catch, I'll tell ya that." My friend Pearl said taking a huge sip of her beer.
I found myself in a pub with all my best friends. I had just told them about the wedding and bride's mades and all. They were mighty delighted. All loved the idea already started talking about dresses and teasing they boyfriends. I mean the London girls, war girls didn't have boyfriends. Yet as they were more then glad to remind me. Thank God they all got along rather well.
Now we were here two hours latter still blabbering and drinking. Laughing without a single care.
"I know I mean have you seen that ass. Holy shit, that boy ought to do a lot of work outs!"  My other friend Tarika said grabbing Pearls arm.
"He is my fiancee! Stop you guys!" I screamed at them and all of them erupted in laughter.
"I have to say he is exactly the same as he was five years ago and that is absolutely hot so y'all have a point" Jen exclaimed as her boyfriend Drake looked at her in a fake shock.
"Jennifer you too?!" I said. I loved this.
Delarge came back to the table with beers for all of them.
"Tell me hot shot how didn't they all tear themselves apart competing for you?" Brooklyn, another of the war girls who was american and moved to England after the war, asked Delarge grabbing one of the beers.
Shit. I feared this would come up eventually. I almost spit my water as she said the words.
"Because he killed Scartlett." Tiana said as her boyfriend held her hand.
An akwawrd silence feel over the table. Oh fuck. I had successfully avoided this subject for the last five years I can't understand how it snicked up on me.
"I always knew you were a sick fuck with a hot body but wow Bec you have truly outgrown yourself." Pearl said laughing and everyone laughed with her.
"Talking about hot bodies, Brooklyn, come be my wing man with that red head chick over the bar please." She started getting up and stopped. "Actually never mind. American lesbian? You are gonna charm her before I do."
"I am bisexual for your information!"
And they all laughed and kept talking. I have to admit I never felt so pleased. This were some real friends that I made. They could turn murder into a happy subject and I was awfully glad for it. I wouldn't let them go.

Me and Delarge were calmly walking home. You could say the night had been a success. All of them were happy. I was happy. I had found my happiness after all. I had Delarge and a great gang by my side.
As we were close to our house a group of boys dressed in army clothes started heading towards us.
"Hey! Godparents!" The boy in the front shouted.
Me and Delarge smiled at each other. We knew very well who they were. It was hard for us to walk unnoticed during the night. Gangs grew familiar to our face and names. These boys composed the gang me and Delarge agreed was our favorite and gave them our blessing. Together with our avaibility to kick someone's ass for them or bail them from jail without their parents knowing it.
"Benny!" I exclaimed and embraced the boy that lead the group.
"Benedict." Delarge said nodding towards him.
Benedict was a tall, muscular, blond haired, blue eyed playboy that looked like a surfer but was a fitting substitute to Delarge in their generation. In his gang was also Stephan, Ryan, Eddie and Lazarus. All of them were incredibly nice and polite boys if you got to meet them. They came from poor, broken homes but had good heart. I guess, from personal experience, they just ended up with such a terrific hobby because it is indeed so much fun.
"So how you both doing tonight?" Benny asked.
"Do you want us to escort you back to your apartment?" Lazarus said bowing down.
"Hey, shut up, Laz. They can finish all of us alone if they wanted to." Eddie said punching Lazarus arm. They reminded me a bit of the group of boys I met in Brazil.
"We are fine. Thank you boys. How about you? Need any help?" Delarge said wraping his arm around my waist.
"No thank you, Delarge. We are fine. I mean just spreading the word that we have both your blessings people already run scared before we even get to them!" Benny said with his big model smile.
"But that's no fun!" I exclaimed looking at Delarge.
"Oh but the chicks from other gangs that flirt with us. Oh my God! Really Mom you should see it." Ryan -who insistes in calling me mom- said closing his eyes.
Both, me and Delarge laughed.
"Well I'm certainly glad we are getting you boys girls. You all certainly need it." Delarge said in a mocking tone.
We chatted a little longer and went our ways. But I stopped a little after we went away from them and looked back. I could see all of them in their magnificent youth. They went down the street laughing and playing with each other.
Delarge turned back too and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Johnston are you okay?" He said looking at me worried.
"Just yesterday we were no different from them. Now I look at Benny and wish I have a son just like him." I said quietly. Too many thoughts were going through my head.
I turned and looked into Delarge's big, gorgeous eyes. He was smiling and holding both my shoulders.
"I don't think I'm ready, Delarge. I'm not ready to grow up. I want to stay here and keep being real horror-show with violence and all. I can't let my past slip through my fingers like this when my past was so absolutly wonderful. Do you get what I'm saying?"
"Johnston, my love, I know exactly what you mean. I'm scared too. Bloody terrified of what is going to happen. But that is the beauty of it. We don't know what the future hold but we aren't just abandoning the past either. Especially you and me. Those boys are the proof of it. Look how people are still talking about us. And I assure you they will be for still a long, long time. And we haven't left the streets niether. I mean we treat those boys like our younger brothers. Benedict, Lazarus, Ryan, Eddie and Stephen. We love them don't we?"
I nodded.
"And we acompany their tails and fails don't we?"
I just nodded again.
"Wasn't it this Monday that we patched up Benedict and Stephen after that gang of little bastards from Knight's Bridge beat the shit out of them? And don't we still talk to other gangs like Sybella and her girls, Dante and the other guys, Matthew and Lawrence?"
I nodded once again seeing clear pictures of the people he was listing.
"You see?! We are still right in the mess you and I. And I tell you we couldn't get out of it even if we wanted to."
Delarge smiled and removed a piece of hair that had fallen into my eye.
"There is still great things to come for us. I can feel it. But we are never leaving the streets behind."
I smiled and kissed him.
"Thanks, Delarge. I love you."
"I love you too." He answered. "With all my heart."
We went back to walking home. We were silent until we got to the apartment.
"Can you imagine us as parents?" Delarge said laughing while he waited for me to open the door.
"Oh it will be terrific. The both of us growing a child?" I chuckled. "Our kids will truly turn out just like Benny."

Writer's note:
Hey guys!! Here is another little chapter for y'all! All about growing up and these things that I really like to explore. Hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writting! And today is the day after the Golden Globes so I have to say because I am a huge Awards Season fan: LEONARDO DICAPRIO FUCKING WON!!! I AM SO HAPPY AND EXCITED I HOPE HE WINS THE OSCAR!
Anyway! Thanks for reading! Byeee! 😊😘

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