Waking up in a different house

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I woke up calmly brothers. I had a feeling that I had accomplished something really good that night. Needless to say it was the best in-out in-out love I had done in long time. Different from the others I had my feelings envolved and it was the best way. I could feel it brothers, she was the one I had been looking for. Her bedroom was all of a light blue. She had a big mirror just like mine. There were some drawings on the walls of New York cabs and of some buildins. Just behind the bed there was a drawing of four young fellows. They had no faces, exept the on in the front. He had a bow hat and blue eyes. On one of them there were big eyelashes. I smiled and passed my finger through her purple curls and she woke slowly. When she saw me her eyes winded and she was paralyzed.
She jumped out of the bed walking quickly through the bedroom looking for something. I just watched, a bit confused I admit. She finally found her pajamas and put them on. That's when I remembered. Her parents. I believe they would kill her if she was like this with a boy. Especially me.
"Delarge you have to go."
She was moving quickly hiding all of her stuff.
She stopped and looked at me.
"Please, they will kill me"
Just as she finished her speech we could hear the door opening.
"Honey we are here!"
It was a woman's voice. I guessed it was her mom. Panic appeared on her face.
"Too late. Okay. Okay. Hum can you hide under my bed?"
I made a shocked face. And gave her a little smile.
"You serious?"
I smiled again and went under the bed. I could feel her laying down on the bed on top of me. Not literally.
She murmured to me. I heard the door opening and someone coming inside. It was a man's voice asking if she was okay. She said she was fine, was going to change and go to breakfast. He closed the door and some seconds later she got up from the bed and came get me out.
"Thanks Delarge. You are the best person ever."
I smiled again. This happened a lot this morning. Me smiling.
"You drawed me"
She looked a bit confused. I pointed at the drawing behind her bed. It was tiny, just for her to see. She smiled.
"I drawed everything in this room"
She pointed at the drawing as well.
"Including that"
I got up, put my clothes and got close to her.
"I'll see you"
"You won't get rid of me now"
Our lips touched and we just stayed there kissing until we heard steps coming closer and I got out of her bedroom.
Oh my dear brother me day couldn't have been better. I walked on the streets of London with a big smile on me face. I just wanted to go out singing and dancing.
She was the one.

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