A lady in the milkbar

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Did I put my normal night close on or did I put another thing on? I was standing infront of the miror using the black dress I used to attend Scarlett's barring. What the fuck was I doing? I was going out with one of my best friend's murderer. I was letting a boy get in my way. I was worring about what to dress. I was being a regular white girl and all because of Delarge. I hated him for it. However, that didn't stop me of putting my regular top, shorts and boots on. Drawing the scar on my face and going to the milkbar. Thanks God my parents hadn't come back yet.
The closer I got to Korova Milkbar, the more nervous I was. I could do everything on earth, but getting in there was something I wouldn't do. First my parents would kill me and second it was against my own principals. Whereas, there I was walking into the bar. Delarge was already sat and drinking. He lightened up when I stepped in there.
"Hi hi hi there. You actually came."
"I am a woman of my word you might not have noticed it yet."
He was staring me intensivily. I think I was really tense and he never saw the sensible side of me. I had my resons, after all I found out that my friend died today, I was going out with her murderer and I was in a wierd place I swore I wouldn't enter. He noticed it. He took my hand and got me up.
"Lets get out of here. I want to show you something."
We walked for a while in silence. He stoped infront of a huge construction I knew very well.
"Why are we infront of the jail?"
He looked at me and I could see the hatred in his eyes. He was hurt and also angry.
"Here is where I spent a whole year of my life. Behind this building there is a lab where they do the worst experiences to people"
The headlines came back to my head. 'FIRST PERSON TO BE CURED OF ULTRA-VIOLENCE'. I didn't knew who he was back then, but he was what inspired me to leave my depressed life behind.
"How bad was it?"
"As if all your family and friends died in the same day"
He was about to gag and burst into tears at the same time. I walked close to him and held his hand. He looked to both of our hands a bit surprised. A smile formed on his face. A real smile.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm okay now"
I returned his smile.
"Come I want to show you something as well"
We walked holding hands toward the cemetery where Scarlett was buryed. We walked in and went to her grave. There were some gotics there just hanging around, but apart from them it was really calm.
"She is here?"
I just nodded. He hugged me. I let him do it. The tears were starting to apear again. I might seem stupid, but I only had three close friends my whole life and losing one of them was a big deal for me. I was never a person that made friends easily. Or that talked to people easily. Actually I had had only one boyfriend in my life.
"You know what would be fun?"
He had some evilness in his voice. An evil smile formed on my face. He pointed to his bravita to the gotics. I smiled as well and we went towards them.
"Hello my brothers what do you do so late in a place like this?"
The way he spoke was enough for the gotics to get scared. Our clothes and expressions helped as well but not that much.
"Just chilling"
"You are here as well why do you ask?"
This girl who had a pircing on her nose and several on her ear. She was the only one who seemed to ignore us.
"I do not like your tone dear sister. Why so serious?"
I was the one to speak now. They seemed even more afraid. Me and Alex exchanged looks and started the fun part. After a while of beating their asses we ran away.
We went walking to my house and when we were infront of my house Alex took me hand and held me closely. I looked around to see if my parents had got home but I couldn't see their car. They were probably staying in my cousin's. He passed his fingers on my tatoo and spoke quietly.
He read out loud.
"Is it real?"
"Yes I got it after I overcame depression. It was the simbol of my promise."
I took a deep breath as he came closer.
"That I would never care again. The universe doesn't care about me, so why should I care?"
He smiled and then passed his hand on my fake scar.
"And this. Is it real?"
"No I just draw it, like you put those falsies on"
He smiled again and came even closer. Then the space between us disaperead and we were kissing. We got inside the house and lets just say that after that night we were equals.

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