My parents meet Delarge

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When I got home the other morning it wasn't easy to get my parents to belive I had slept in my friend's, Tiana, house. She was one of me droogs by the way. And also get them to belive that we went rollerblading and I fell. I hated bruises that my parents could see. I had a lot of scars but most of them I could hide.

One scar that I had was in my right arm. A gang lider once had a knife and he cut me arm deep enough for it to stay there forever. This was a hard one since it was a long scar and visable. And the other one's that I had were on me back when Delarge lovely broke a chair on me back. Good times. Gladly that and my tatoo were easy enough to hide. Sure I could never wear tank tops but that was a prize I was willing to pay.

At night I went to Delarge's house with a big and insane idea on me mind. As soon as he opened the door I spoke.

"Put on some real clothes I want you to meet my parents."

"Are you insane?! They will kill the both of us! First you appear with soem bruises on your knees and on the same day you bring a delinquent boyfriend home?!"

"They won't know! You just need to dress properly"

"Oh and won't they rocognise me? Remember? I had me face all over the news and it wasn't for something good"

"Oh C'mon me parents don't even remember me birthday you seariously think they will remember you?"

"I just think it is really risky."

"Screw it you are too important for them not to meet ya"

He smiled.

"And after all your parents met me is just fair me parents meet you"

"Right right right then."

He opened the door and entered in his house. Some minutes later he came back in a suit and we went to me house. I was nervous. This had to work. I didn't knew how me parents would react to this, I hadn't bringed a boyfriend since last year. I haven't had a boyfriend since. And before as well he was my first. And Alex was me first in so much things. That me parents wouldn't know.

We got to the front door. Before geting to the door he grabbed me hand and looked in me eyes. He could see I was freaking out.

"Do you really want to do this?"

I kissed him and opened the door. We walked pass the hall and into the living room. Me parents were there togheter with the housemade, Rosa.

"Mom, Dad there is someone I would like to introduce to you."

I signed for Delarge to come in the room. He came a bit shy, different from normal.

"Mom, Dad this is Alex. We have been dating for three months now and he is really important to me."

The both of them smiled and greeted Delarge nicely. He also acted like a true gentelman. What I have to addmit surprised me a bit. The important was me parents couldn't have been happier, they didn't remember Alex and kept saying how happy they were that I found someone after so long time. We chatted for a while, when I finnaly said we would go out to see a picture and I had to pack me stuff. I went upstairs leaving Delarge there, grabbed my clthes and came down.

"We'll be off then"

"Okay honey we will go to sleep in a while so take your keys."

"Sure mom"

"Alex it was a pleasure to meet you"

She shook Alex's hand and walked back.

"It was a plesure to meet you as well Mr. and Ms. Johnston."

He hugged me. I said good-bye and we went on our way to taste a bit of the old ultra-violence.

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